Colored Portrait Series [Painting]

Description/Abstract/Artist Statement

Artist Statement

My Colored Portrait series was a practice for me to differentiate the darker areas and lighter areas on human figures, without using flesh tones. I studied female figures and faces and different portraiture to learn how to paint proportions accurately. Using oil paint, I choose a bold color to be the tone of the figure and complement the background with an equally bold color or the same color. This series was my first time painting people/faces.

Faculty Advisor/Mentor

Elliott Jones

Presentation Type

Art/Creative Work



Session Title

Art Exhibit


Learning Commons @ Perry Library, Northeast Atrium

Start Date

2-3-2018 8:00 AM

End Date

2-3-2018 12:30 PM

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Feb 3rd, 8:00 AM Feb 3rd, 12:30 PM

Colored Portrait Series [Painting]

Learning Commons @ Perry Library, Northeast Atrium

Artist Statement

My Colored Portrait series was a practice for me to differentiate the darker areas and lighter areas on human figures, without using flesh tones. I studied female figures and faces and different portraiture to learn how to paint proportions accurately. Using oil paint, I choose a bold color to be the tone of the figure and complement the background with an equally bold color or the same color. This series was my first time painting people/faces.