Social Support and Mental Wellness: Evaluating a Peer Support Group for Transgender People

Description/Abstract/Artist Statement

This qualitative study evaluates a local support group program and whether it is beneficial to the mental health of its participants. The population of this study is underrepresented in research, and one vulnerable to a number of risk factors. By understanding the role support groups play in the lives of transgender persons, human service and mental health professionals can build more effective helping relationships with their clients.

Presenting Author Name/s

Tobias Bohn

Faculty Advisor/Mentor

Dr. Narketta Sparkman-Key

Presentation Type



Counseling | Other Social and Behavioral Sciences | Social Work

Session Title

Poster Session


Learning Commons @ Perry Library, Northwest Atrium

Start Date

2-3-2018 8:00 AM

End Date

2-3-2018 12:30 PM

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Feb 3rd, 8:00 AM Feb 3rd, 12:30 PM

Social Support and Mental Wellness: Evaluating a Peer Support Group for Transgender People

Learning Commons @ Perry Library, Northwest Atrium

This qualitative study evaluates a local support group program and whether it is beneficial to the mental health of its participants. The population of this study is underrepresented in research, and one vulnerable to a number of risk factors. By understanding the role support groups play in the lives of transgender persons, human service and mental health professionals can build more effective helping relationships with their clients.