Internship with the Eastern Virginia Office of Senator Tim Kaine

Description/Abstract/Artist Statement

This was a valuable experience to have a position in a Senatorial office and take part in casework and constituent outreach. During my time at the office, I attended a lunch with Senator Kaine as well as a housing and development panel at the Norfolk Library. I believe I will continue to benefit from this experience because it has taught me how to function in a professional setting and how to operate under Senate rules and ethics. This is also a field I would like to have a career in one day so I feel it has given me a head-start with hands-on experience. Prior to getting this position I wish I had known basic office things such as how to use a landline phone and office copy machine, also the database, VOICE, was very complex to use. I would tell other interested students to apply for the position even if they think they are unqualified. When I first applied, I did not think I would get it but in the end, the office told me that I was one of the best interns they have had in a long time and offered to write me numerous letters of recommendation for internships at other Senate offices as well as in the future.

Presenting Author Name/s

Nathan Hayward

Faculty Advisor/Mentor

Jesse Richman

Presentation Type



American Politics

Session Title

Poster Session


Learning Commons, Atrium

Start Date

2-8-2020 8:00 AM

End Date

2-8-2020 12:30 PM

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Feb 8th, 8:00 AM Feb 8th, 12:30 PM

Internship with the Eastern Virginia Office of Senator Tim Kaine

Learning Commons, Atrium

This was a valuable experience to have a position in a Senatorial office and take part in casework and constituent outreach. During my time at the office, I attended a lunch with Senator Kaine as well as a housing and development panel at the Norfolk Library. I believe I will continue to benefit from this experience because it has taught me how to function in a professional setting and how to operate under Senate rules and ethics. This is also a field I would like to have a career in one day so I feel it has given me a head-start with hands-on experience. Prior to getting this position I wish I had known basic office things such as how to use a landline phone and office copy machine, also the database, VOICE, was very complex to use. I would tell other interested students to apply for the position even if they think they are unqualified. When I first applied, I did not think I would get it but in the end, the office told me that I was one of the best interns they have had in a long time and offered to write me numerous letters of recommendation for internships at other Senate offices as well as in the future.