Examination of the Association Between Childhood Trauma and Disordered Eating in a College Sample

Description/Abstract/Artist Statement

Examination of the Association Between Childhood Trauma and Disordered

Eating in a College Sample

Kayla MacPherson, Kaitlyn Armitage, Anita Thomas, Sage E. Hawn, PhD

Literature suggests that there is a relationship between trauma exposure and disordered eating (DE). The current study sought to investigate whether childhood trauma (CT), specifically, influences disordered eating in early adulthood among a diverse sample of college students (N=846, Mage=22.55, SD=6.92; 43.9% White, 35.9% Black). Measures used in the study included the Traumatic Life Experiences Questionnaire (TLEQ), the Three-Factor Eating Questionnaire (TFEQ), and a demographic questionnaire. Three linear regressions were conducted with CT predicting each of the three subscales of the TREQ: cognitive restraint (CR), uncontrolled eating (UE), and emotional eating (EE). CT was positively associated with CR (t=39.911, pt=34.957, pt=25.310, pps

Presenting Author Name/s

Kayla MacPherson

Faculty Advisor/Mentor

Dr.Sage E. Hawn

Faculty Advisor/Mentor Department


College Affiliation

College of Sciences

Presentation Type



Clinical Psychology | Health Psychology | Psychology

Session Title

Poster Session


Learning Commons Lobby @ Perry Library

Start Date

3-30-2024 8:30 AM

End Date

3-30-2024 10:00 AM

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Mar 30th, 8:30 AM Mar 30th, 10:00 AM

Examination of the Association Between Childhood Trauma and Disordered Eating in a College Sample

Learning Commons Lobby @ Perry Library

Examination of the Association Between Childhood Trauma and Disordered

Eating in a College Sample

Kayla MacPherson, Kaitlyn Armitage, Anita Thomas, Sage E. Hawn, PhD

Literature suggests that there is a relationship between trauma exposure and disordered eating (DE). The current study sought to investigate whether childhood trauma (CT), specifically, influences disordered eating in early adulthood among a diverse sample of college students (N=846, Mage=22.55, SD=6.92; 43.9% White, 35.9% Black). Measures used in the study included the Traumatic Life Experiences Questionnaire (TLEQ), the Three-Factor Eating Questionnaire (TFEQ), and a demographic questionnaire. Three linear regressions were conducted with CT predicting each of the three subscales of the TREQ: cognitive restraint (CR), uncontrolled eating (UE), and emotional eating (EE). CT was positively associated with CR (t=39.911, pt=34.957, pt=25.310, pps