The Influence of Exercise Intensity on Cardiometabolic Health

Description/Abstract/Artist Statement

This ongoing study aims to investigate whether exercise intensity influences glycemic control and blood flow responses following meal consumption during periods of inactivity.

Presenting Author Name/s

Tonya Scroggins, Amy Vinarao

Faculty Advisor/Mentor

Dr. Leryn J. Reynolds

Faculty Advisor/Mentor Department

Wellness Institute and Research Center

College Affiliation

College of Health Sciences

Presentation Type



Exercise Science | Laboratory and Basic Science Research | Sports Sciences

Session Title

Poster Session


Learning Commons Lobby @ Perry Library

Start Date

3-30-2024 8:30 AM

End Date

3-30-2024 10:00 AM

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Mar 30th, 8:30 AM Mar 30th, 10:00 AM

The Influence of Exercise Intensity on Cardiometabolic Health

Learning Commons Lobby @ Perry Library

This ongoing study aims to investigate whether exercise intensity influences glycemic control and blood flow responses following meal consumption during periods of inactivity.