5G IoT Gateway

Description/Abstract/Artist Statement

This project investigates a new gateway system designed for applications within the field of Internet of Things (IoT). The foundation lies in an embedded computing device with a 5G modem, allowing IoT devices to transfer their information to the cloud. A Raspberry Pi serves as the Gateway along with a Zigbee Local Area Network (LAN) to provide seamless and efficient connectivity. Current fifth generation telecommunication technology will be utilized to alleviate the need of a Wi-Fi connection during data transfer and monitoring. Analysis has shown that 5G increases the productivity of IoT through an increase in data-transfer speeds allowing for real-time data monitoring with an increase of coverage. The preliminary analysis, design approach, real world benefits, implementation, and possible academic applications are detailed.

Presenting Author Name/s

Christopher Grogesky

Faculty Advisor/Mentor

Murat Kuzlu, Otilia Popescu

Faculty Advisor/Mentor Department

Engineering Technology

College Affiliation

College of Engineering & Technology (Batten)

Presentation Type



Electrical and Electronics | Systems and Communications | VLSI and Circuits, Embedded and Hardware Systems

Session Title

Poster Session


Learning Commons Lobby @ Perry Library

Start Date

3-30-2024 8:30 AM

End Date

3-30-2024 10:00 AM

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Mar 30th, 8:30 AM Mar 30th, 10:00 AM

5G IoT Gateway

Learning Commons Lobby @ Perry Library

This project investigates a new gateway system designed for applications within the field of Internet of Things (IoT). The foundation lies in an embedded computing device with a 5G modem, allowing IoT devices to transfer their information to the cloud. A Raspberry Pi serves as the Gateway along with a Zigbee Local Area Network (LAN) to provide seamless and efficient connectivity. Current fifth generation telecommunication technology will be utilized to alleviate the need of a Wi-Fi connection during data transfer and monitoring. Analysis has shown that 5G increases the productivity of IoT through an increase in data-transfer speeds allowing for real-time data monitoring with an increase of coverage. The preliminary analysis, design approach, real world benefits, implementation, and possible academic applications are detailed.