Eco-Friendly Packaging: Changing the Norm

Description/Abstract/Artist Statement

Packaging is an essential aspect of our daily life routines and is integral in preserving, protecting, informing, and selling the products we rely on. The advent of plastic packaging has allowed us to meet the rising consumer demand for efficient and economical packaging solutions. However, plastic packaging has also emerged as a significant contributor to environmental degradation. This review highlights the growing need for eco-friendly packaging alternatives, given the harmful impact of current packaging practices. It delves into several proposed sustainable packaging solutions and their limitations and outlines strategic initiatives for safer packaging. As a society, it is critical to continue researching and adopting environmentally conscious packaging options to minimize the negative impact of plastic packaging and packaging manufacturing on our ecosystem.

Presenting Author Name/s

Victoria Hoffmann

Faculty Advisor/Mentor

Mujde Erten-Unal

Faculty Advisor/Mentor Department

Civil and Environmental Engineering

College Affiliation

College of Engineering & Technology (Batten)

Presentation Type



Environmental Engineering

Session Title

Poster Session


Learning Commons Lobby @ Perry Library

Start Date

3-30-2024 8:30 AM

End Date

3-30-2024 10:00 AM

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Mar 30th, 8:30 AM Mar 30th, 10:00 AM

Eco-Friendly Packaging: Changing the Norm

Learning Commons Lobby @ Perry Library

Packaging is an essential aspect of our daily life routines and is integral in preserving, protecting, informing, and selling the products we rely on. The advent of plastic packaging has allowed us to meet the rising consumer demand for efficient and economical packaging solutions. However, plastic packaging has also emerged as a significant contributor to environmental degradation. This review highlights the growing need for eco-friendly packaging alternatives, given the harmful impact of current packaging practices. It delves into several proposed sustainable packaging solutions and their limitations and outlines strategic initiatives for safer packaging. As a society, it is critical to continue researching and adopting environmentally conscious packaging options to minimize the negative impact of plastic packaging and packaging manufacturing on our ecosystem.