The Effects of International Trade on Developing Countries


Madison Board Room, Hotel Madison, JMU

Start Date

4-5-2019 4:00 PM


The purpose of this research project is to study the changes in overall welfare for citizens of developing countries after trade agreements have been made. The study focuses on 3 periods: the pre-agreement, transition, and post-agreement phases. Over these periods we measure the changes in quality of life for the country in question through indicators such as median household income, primary education enrollment rates, gender equality, and freedom of speech. Our primary countries of interest include: Chile, Turkey, Morocco, and Tunisia. Although most of our work is qualitative in nature, creating a narrative is the foundation towards quantitative analysis. The goal is to connect specific events relating to legislation, elections, and entrance into economic unions in a causal manner, to see the effects these events have on the overall welfare of the country's citizens.

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Apr 5th, 4:00 PM

The Effects of International Trade on Developing Countries

Madison Board Room, Hotel Madison, JMU

The purpose of this research project is to study the changes in overall welfare for citizens of developing countries after trade agreements have been made. The study focuses on 3 periods: the pre-agreement, transition, and post-agreement phases. Over these periods we measure the changes in quality of life for the country in question through indicators such as median household income, primary education enrollment rates, gender equality, and freedom of speech. Our primary countries of interest include: Chile, Turkey, Morocco, and Tunisia. Although most of our work is qualitative in nature, creating a narrative is the foundation towards quantitative analysis. The goal is to connect specific events relating to legislation, elections, and entrance into economic unions in a causal manner, to see the effects these events have on the overall welfare of the country's citizens.