Supporting Mental Health on College Campuses and Honors Communities

Presenter Information

Natasha Doshi, Virginia TechFollow


Madison Board Room, Hotel Madison, JMU

Start Date

4-5-2019 4:30 PM


Throughout my college career I have gotten involved in Active Minds, a student organization promoting mental health. Last semester I was a coordinator for an event that involved 1100+ backpacks on a central field within campus. Each backpack symbolized the number of college students who die by suicide yearly and had a student's story attached to it. This semester I am coordinating a Masquerade Ball to Unmask Stigma; it involves an open mic where students unmask themselves prior to sharing spoken word, poetry, songs, etc. relating to mental health. Through my involvements with event planning and Active Minds I have coordinated and participated in many activities and service projects to normalize the conversation of mental health. I hope that people will see this flash talk feeling like they are able to learn something from it and bring a piece of the conversation back to their campuses.

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Apr 5th, 4:30 PM

Supporting Mental Health on College Campuses and Honors Communities

Madison Board Room, Hotel Madison, JMU

Throughout my college career I have gotten involved in Active Minds, a student organization promoting mental health. Last semester I was a coordinator for an event that involved 1100+ backpacks on a central field within campus. Each backpack symbolized the number of college students who die by suicide yearly and had a student's story attached to it. This semester I am coordinating a Masquerade Ball to Unmask Stigma; it involves an open mic where students unmask themselves prior to sharing spoken word, poetry, songs, etc. relating to mental health. Through my involvements with event planning and Active Minds I have coordinated and participated in many activities and service projects to normalize the conversation of mental health. I hope that people will see this flash talk feeling like they are able to learn something from it and bring a piece of the conversation back to their campuses.