The Mechanism of Anaphylactic Reactions and Their Treatments
The presentation will center on the multiple causes and consequences of anaphylactic reactions, which are severe systemic allergic reactions. Almost everyone knows someone who has life-threatening food allergies (or other allergies), and most people know that an allergic reaction is an overreaction of the immune system; but, common knowledge of allergies usually ends at that point. The goal of this presentation will be to explore and explain the intricate processes at work during anaphylaxis. The presentation will also cover the current treatments for an anaphylactic reaction and the current research being done to help prevent anaphylaxis from even occurring.
Presentation Type
The Mechanism of Anaphylactic Reactions and Their Treatments
The presentation will center on the multiple causes and consequences of anaphylactic reactions, which are severe systemic allergic reactions. Almost everyone knows someone who has life-threatening food allergies (or other allergies), and most people know that an allergic reaction is an overreaction of the immune system; but, common knowledge of allergies usually ends at that point. The goal of this presentation will be to explore and explain the intricate processes at work during anaphylaxis. The presentation will also cover the current treatments for an anaphylactic reaction and the current research being done to help prevent anaphylaxis from even occurring.
This oral presentation is based on an individual research project.