Being a Successful Consulting Influencer
Schewel 2nd Floor Lobby
Being a consulting influencer takes a lot of dedication as well as consulting and influencing soft skills that determine your success in this world. Consulting in my world consists of going into cafés, coffee shops, and restaurants, and creating content for the company/café to use on their advertising platforms, as well as for my own promotional use to both promote myself and the brand. Although similar, influencing is a whole different world. Through my Instagram and TikTok I would consider myself a clothing, jewelry, coffee, skin care, and make up influencer. This sort of influencing consists of a lot of back-and-forth between negotiating as well as communicating with companies and brands to receive their products and create content and promote them through my social media platform. My poster will share how to do this successfully and what the behind the scenes influencing work looks like.
Presentation Type
Being a Successful Consulting Influencer
Schewel 2nd Floor Lobby
Being a consulting influencer takes a lot of dedication as well as consulting and influencing soft skills that determine your success in this world. Consulting in my world consists of going into cafés, coffee shops, and restaurants, and creating content for the company/café to use on their advertising platforms, as well as for my own promotional use to both promote myself and the brand. Although similar, influencing is a whole different world. Through my Instagram and TikTok I would consider myself a clothing, jewelry, coffee, skin care, and make up influencer. This sort of influencing consists of a lot of back-and-forth between negotiating as well as communicating with companies and brands to receive their products and create content and promote them through my social media platform. My poster will share how to do this successfully and what the behind the scenes influencing work looks like.