ODU Digital Commons - Virginia Poets Database: A Literary and Educational Resource: Guy Carleton Drewry

Guy Carleton Drewry

Poet Information

Guy Carleton Drewry

About the Poet

Guy Carleton Drewry

Guy Carleton Drewry published six volumes of poetry, with work appearing in numerous anthologies. His third book, “A Time for Turning,” won the 1952 Poetry Awards Foundation Prize. He was appointed in 1970 by the Virginia General Assembly to a lifetime term as Poet Laureate of Virginia.

He was a past president of the Virginia Poetry Society, as well as a regional vice president of the Poetry Society of America. His work was published widely in the Nation, New Republic, Yale Review, New York Times, New York Herald Tribune, Poetry, Queen’s Quarterly, Voices, Saturday Review and Saturday Evening Post. He was an associate editor of The Lyric from 1929 to 1949.

Drewry was born in 1901 and died in 1991.

From the Poetry Society of Virginia


West Central

Virginia City or County Affiliation

Roanoke, Virginia





Year of Birth


Published Works or Performances

  • Cloud above Clocktime. Dutton, 1957.
  • Proud Horns. The Macmillan Company, 1933.
  • The Sounding Summer. Dutton, 1948.
  • A Time of Turning. Dutton, 1951.
  • To Love That Well. A S Barnes, 1975.
  • The Writhen Wood. Dutton, 1953.

Selected Individual Poems or Performances

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Guy Carleton Drewry