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eHumanista: Journal of Iberian Studies







In the romance tradition, women are relegated to “ideal love” or distracting presence, either Virgin (Christian presence) or Witch/Whore (pagan presence). The women in the Spanish Conde Partinuplés, however, transgress their typical roles. Throughout the tale, Partinuplés is aided by a succession of women who do not follow the rules of Romance. Through the transgression of gender and racial norms, the female-dominated spaces become spaces of transformative power. In direct opposition are the male-dominated Christian-identified spaces of the Church and Court. During the romance these spaces hold only treachery and falsehood for the young Count. The ambiguity of the Spanish romance allows for a constant negotiation of the boundaries of piety, race, and sexuality. It is through this ambiguity that the reader is allowed to imagine a world of possibility rather than probability.


En la tradición del romance, las mujeres suelen quedar relegadas a ser un “amor ideal” o una presencia distractiva, ya sea virgen (presencia cristiana) o bruja/prostituta (presencia pagana). Las mujeres de El conde Partinuplés, sin embargo, transgreden estos roles típicos. La ambigüedad se deriva de estas obras permite una negociación constante de los límites de los conceptos de piedad, raza y sexualidad. Precisamente a través de esta ambigüedad se le permite al lector imaginar un mundo de posibilidades más que de probabilidades.


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Original Publication Citation

Daas, M. M. (2019). Women on top: Power and transgression in the Libro del Conde Partinuplés. eHumanista: Journal of Iberian Studies, 41, 391-401.
