Date of Award

Fall 2006

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Engineering Management & Systems Engineering


Engineering Management

Committee Director

Rafael E. Landaeta

Committee Member

Charles B. Keating

Committee Member

Ji Hyon Mun

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.E555 D435 2006


Increasingly, the use of project teams is becoming commonplace within organizations as the primary means to accomplish complex tasks. While the literature has long acknowledged that the knowledge transfer process is a key component in achieving organizational success and ultimately sustaining a competitive advantage, very little has been written that specifically examines the knowledge transfer process at the project team level. In an attempt to increase the understanding of knowledge transfer processes at the project team level, the effect that a relatively new construct, termed emotional intelligence, has on the use of knowledge transfer methods is examined. The relationships between these constructs and project performance are also investigated.

In this investigation, a research model is presented and empirically tested. The results of this investigation suggest that within the industry sample, the higher the rank of emotionally intelligent individuals on a project team, the more negative their influence may be on project performance In addition, the results fail to support that high emotional intelligence improves the performance of academic project teams; that high emotional intelligence increases the use of knowledge transfer methods in project teams; and that emotional intelligence has a moderating effect on the relationship between use of knowledge transfer methods and project performance. Despite this, several notable relationships emerge between sub-factors of the constructs tested. These relationships are presented and discussed. Ultimately, this investigation serves as a foundation for further research and development in the fields of emotional intelligence and knowledge transfer within project environments.


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