Theses and dissertations published by graduate students in the Department of Engineering Management and Systems Engineering, College of Engineering, Old Dominion University since Fall 2016 are available in this collection. Backfiles of all dissertations (and some theses) have also been added.
In late Fall 2025, all theses will be digitized and available here. In the meantime, consult the Library Catalog to find older items in print.
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Dissertation: Examining the Role of Access to Capital, Social Capital Networks, and Education in Supporting Black Founders and Investors in Technology-Based Entrepreneurship, Akosua Acheamponmaa
Dissertation: An Integrated Theoretical Socio-Technical Framework for Implementing Service Robots’ Integration in Healthcare, Sujatha Alla
Dissertation: A Theoretical Framework for Resilience in Complex System Governance (CSG), Susan A. Caskey
Dissertation: Understanding the Impact of Emergent Conflict on Communication and Team Cognition: A Multilevel Study in Engineering Teams, Francisco Cima
Dissertation: A Systems Theory-Based Framework for Uncertainty in Complex System Governance, Teresa Anne Crater
Dissertation: An Agent-Based Approach for Designing a Sustainable Supplier Selection in Stochastic Environment: A Simulation Study, Sheida Etemadidavan
Dissertation: Explainable Artificial Intelligence: Methods and Evaluation, Gayane Grigoryan
Dissertation: Harnessing Social Media for Disaster Response: Intelligent Identification of Reliable Rescue Requests During Hurricanes, Wael Khallouli
Dissertation: An Exploratory Case Study of Complex System Governance Diagnostics, Satya N. Moorthy
Dissertation: Development of a Conceptual Framework for Complex System Governance (CSG) Performance Measurement, James Hartwell Rutherford
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Dissertation: Systemic Risk Analysis of Human Factors in Phishing, Mark Guilford
Dissertation: Human Psychology Factors Influencing Agile Team Autonomy in Post-Pandemic Remote Software Organizations, Ravikiran Kalluri
Dissertation: Reinforcing Digital Trust for Cloud Manufacturing Through Data Provenance Using Ethereum Smart Contracts, Trupti Narayan Rane
Dissertation: Electric Vehicle Routing Problem – Models and Algorithms, Hesamoddin Tahami
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Dissertation: A Systems Theory-Based Framework for Environmental Scanning in Complex System Governance, Dale E. Baugh
Dissertation: Learning Curve Characterization Within Complex Low-Rate Production Environments, Robert J. Gies
Thesis: Acquisition Career Progression Model for Navy Explosive Ordnance Disposal Officers, Andrew John Heckel
Dissertation: Hard-Real-Time Computing Performance in a Cloud Environment, Alvin Cornelius Murphy
Dissertation: A Quality Systems Economic-Risk Design Theoretical Framework, Abdallah S. Thefeid
Dissertation: Predictors of Email Response: Determinants of the Intention of not Following Security Recommendations, Miguel Angel Toro-Jarrin
Dissertation: Complex System Governance Leadership, David C. Walters
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Thesis: Quantifying Cyber Risk by Integrating Attack Graph and Impact Graph, Omer F. Keskin
Dissertation: Cybersecurity Risk Assessment Using Graph Theoretical Anomaly Detection and Machine Learning, Goksel Kucukkaya
Dissertation: Application of a Blockchain Enabled Model in Disaster Aids Supply Network Resilience, Farinaz Sabz Ali Pour
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Dissertation: A Framework for Adaptive Capacity in Complex Systems, Abdulrahman Alfaqiri
Thesis: Engineering Management Competencies: A Framework for Present and Future Engineering Environments, Christopher Vaughn Barrett
Dissertation: DOD Mission Engineering and Integration Explorative-Exploitative Architecture for Technology Innovation, Jose L. Bricio-Neto
Dissertation: A Quest to Identify the Emerging Leadership Skills in VUCA World and Investigation of Their Applications in Various Organizational Levels and Security Environments, Ali Can Kucukozyigit
Dissertation: Cyber-Assets at Risk (CAR): Monetary Impact of Personally Identifiable Information Data Breaches on Companies, Omer Ilker Poyraz
Dissertation: Using Interacting Multiple Model Filters to Indicate Program Risk, Amy Sunshine Smith-Carroll
Dissertation: An Investigation on the Effectiveness of a Problem Structuring Method in a Group Decision-Making Process, Ying Thaviphoke
Dissertation: A Core Reference Hierarchical Primitive Ontology for Electronic Medical Records Semantics Interoperability, Ziniya Zahedi
Dissertation: Human Error in Commercial Fishing Vessel Accidents: An Investigation Using the Human Factors Analysis and Classification System, Peter J. Zohorsky
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Dissertation: Evaluating Stakeholder Bias in Stakeholder Analysis In Social Media, Ahmad A. Bajarwan
Dissertation: An Investigation of General Criteria for Assessing Space Flight Systems of Diverse Mission Concept Designs, Cindy L. Daniels
Dissertation: Knowledge Sharing and Creative Confidence in Promoting Employees’ Creative Behavior, Elnaz Dario
Dissertation: Optimization of Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV) Fleet Size With Incorporation of Battery Management, Ahmed Hamdy
Dissertation: An Exploratory Study of Engineering Identity Development in African American Youth, Coletta Elayne Johnson Bey
Dissertation: Identifying and Quantifying Personnel Skills Gaps, Martin Joseph McKenney
Dissertation: Measuring Risks of Interdependencies in Enterprise Systems: An Application to Ghana’s Salt Enterprise, Yaw Mensah
Dissertation: Quantifying Impact of Cyber Actions on Missions or Business Processes: A Multilayer Propagative Approach, Unal Tatar
Dissertation: Development and Initial Evaluation of a Reinforced Cue Detection Model to Assess Situation Awareness in Commercial Aircraft Cockpits, Aysen K. Taylor
Dissertation: A Comparison of Multi-Attribute Utility Theory, the Analytic Hierarchy Process, the Analytic Network Process, and New Hybrid Approaches for a Case Study Involving Radon, Jesse Ray Toepfer
Dissertation: The Resilient City: A Platform for Informed Decision-Making Process, Jarutpong Vasuthanasub
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Dissertation: A Framework for Executable Systems Modeling, Matthew Amissah
Dissertation: The Influence of Engineers on Public Policy, Sarah Bouazzaoui
Dissertation: Contextual Framework of Communications Functions Supporting Complex System Governance, Charles Wesley Chesterman Jr.
Dissertation: A Representation of Tactical and Strategic Precursors of Supply Network Resilience Using Simulation Based Experiments, Yaneth C. Correa-Martinez
Dissertation: Sequence-Based Simulation-Optimization Framework With Application to Port Operations at Multimodal Container Terminals, Mariam Aladdin Kotachi
Dissertation: Human-Intelligence and Machine-Intelligence Decision Governance Formal Ontology, Faisal Mahmud
Dissertation: Exploring Critical Success Factors of Community Development Projects, Kevin Wanjama Muchiri
Dissertation: A Multi-Level Longitudinal Investigation of Transformational Leadership Influence on Team Members Development in Engineering Project Teams, Nathapon Siangchokyoo
Dissertation: Understanding the Impact of Large-Scale Power Grid Architectures on Performance, Ange-Lionel Toba
Dissertation: Case Study on the Development of Engineering Design Modification Projects for U.S. Nuclear Power Plants: A Knowledge Retention Tool in Support of the Longevity and Resilience of the Nuclear Power Industry, Pamela M. Torres-Jiménez
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Thesis: Role of Requirements Engineering in Software Project’s Success, Sujatha Alla
Dissertation: A Hilbert Space Geometric Representation of Shared Awareness and Joint Decision Making, Mustafa Canan
Dissertation: An Investigation into Perceived Productivity and Its Influence on the Relationship Between Organizational Climate and Affective Commitment, Kaitlynn Marie Castelle
Dissertation: Emergency Diesel-Electric Generator Set Maintenance and Test Periodicity, Stephen John Fehr
Thesis: Initiating Event Analysis of a Lithium Fluoride Thorium Reactor, Nicholas Charles Geraci
Thesis: Impact of a Localized Lean Six Sigma Implementation on Overall Patient Safety and Process Efficiency, Luvianca G. Gil-Moreno
Dissertation: Diversity Team Building: Impact on Virtual Team Performance, Nina C. Magpili-Smith
Dissertation: Implementation of a Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) Toolkit to Aid in Ranking Naval Mission Vessel Combinations With Uncertainty, Andrew R. Miller
Dissertation: A Predictor Analysis Framework for Surface Radiation Budget Reprocessing Using Design of Experiments, Patricia Allison Quigley
Dissertation: Analysis of Project Management System Structure Using the Viable System Model (VSM), Joseph A. Sisti
Dissertation: Planning and Team Shared Mental Models as Predictors of Team Collaborative Processes, Zikai Zhou
Dissertation: Methodology to Perform Cyber Lethality Assessment, Matthew W. Zurasky
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Dissertation: Systems Theory Based Architecture Framework for Complex System Governance, Bry Carter
Dissertation: Profit Based Simulation Model for The Rail Transportation Industry, Mark Patrick Doran
Thesis: Design and Implementation of a Virtual Team Collaboration System, Syed Ehsan
Dissertation: A General Theory of Emergence in Engineered Systems, John J. Johnson IV
Dissertation: Improvement of Work Process Performance with Task Assignments and Mental Workload Balancing, Cansu Kandemir
Dissertation: An Outcome-Based Competency Model for Systems Engineering Trainees, Vanessa J. Pietrzyk
Dissertation: A Hybrid Tabu/Scatter Search Algorithm for Simulation-Based Optimization of Multi-Objective Runway Operations Scheduling, Bulent Soykan
Thesis: Extension of the Gravity Model: A Risk Integrated Approach Towards the Impact Analysis of Mega Sports Events on Inbound Tourist Arrivals, Abdul Sami Stanekzai
Dissertation: A Retrospective Study of Amusement Ride Restraint and Containment Systems: Identifying Design Challenges for Statistically Rare Anthropometric Cases, Paula M. Stenzler
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Dissertation: An Approach for the Development of Complex Systems Archetypes, Walter Lee Akers
Dissertation: Meta-RaPS Hybridization with Machine Learning Algorithms, Fatemah Al-Duoli
Dissertation: Management and Leadership Style: Is Style Influenced by Engineering Education?, Jesse Levi Calloway
Dissertation: Key Factors Driving Personnel Downsizing in Multinational Military Organizations, Ilksen Gorkem
Dissertation: A Framework to Simplify the Choice of Alternative Analysis and Selection Methods, James Paul Lewis Holzgrefe
Dissertation: Systems Theory-Based Construct for Identifying Metasystem Pathologies for Complex System Governance, Polinpapilinho F. Katina
Dissertation: An Analysis of the Relationship Between Military Leaders' Operational Adaptability and Knowledge Transfer, Vahap Kavaker
Thesis: Improving Response Characteristics of Split Ring Resonators Using Experimental Designs, Omer Faruk Keskin
Dissertation: Examining the Relationship Between Leadership Decision Making Styles and Personality Type Within the Department of Defense, Antoine Lamont Prince Sr.
Dissertation: Command and Control in the Information Age: A Case Study of a Representative Air Power Command and Control Node, Marvin Leo Simpson Jr.
Dissertation: The Role of Diversity on Team Effectiveness in a Multinational and Multicultural Military Environment, Mustafa Utoglu
Dissertation: Safety Culture Monitoring: A Management Approach for Assessing Nuclear Safety Culture Health Performance Utilizing Multiple-Criteria Decision Analysis, James Harold Warren Jr.
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Dissertation: A Systems-Based Framework for the Assessment of Performance Measurement System Implementations in R&D Organizations, Kenneth S. Baggett Jr.
Dissertation: Human Capital Management Within the Federal Government Utilizing Generational Stratification With a Focus on Generation Y, Ian Nathaniel Barford
Dissertation: Time-Based Collision Risk Modeling for Air Traffic Management, Alan E. Bell
Dissertation: An Investigation of Business Transformation Disruptors at the Military Strategic Command Level, Thomas Bock
Dissertation: Systems Theory Based Framework for Competency Models, Joseph M. Bradley
Thesis: Emergency Diesel-Electric Generator Set Maintenance and Test Periodicity, Stephen John Fehr
Dissertation: An Instrument to Assess Individual Capacity for System Thinking, Ra'ed M. Jaradat
Thesis: Simulation Modeling and Analysis of Customs-Regulated Container Terminal Operations with Multimodal Transportation, Mariam A. Kotachi
Thesis: Assessing Organizational Effectiveness Through the Competing Values Framework A Data Envelopment Approach, Raghavender Macherla
Dissertation: Assessing the Impact of Electronic Health Record Systems Implementation on Hospital Patient Perceptions of Care, Katherine Sofia Palacio Salgar
Dissertation: Graphical Display of the Effect of Three Cash Flow Elements for Sensitivity Analysis, Kawintorn Pothanun
Dissertation: Self-Regulating Teamwork Behaviors in Low-Volume & High-Complexity Production, Aaron W. Powell
Dissertation: An Investigation into the Analysis of Truncated Standard Normal Distributions Using Heuristic Techniques, John Walter Ralls