A selection of publications from faculty in the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Batten College of Engineering & Technology, Old Dominion University.


Submissions from 2017


A Comparative Study on Using Meta-Heuristic Algorithms for Road Maintenance Planning: Insights from Field Study in a Developing Country, Ali Gerami Matin, Reza Vatani Nezafat, and Amir Golroo


Numerical Modeling of the Interactions Between Nonlinear Waves and Arbitrarily Flexible Vegetation, Navid Tahvildari


Water–Soil–Vegetation Dynamic Interactions in Changing Climate, Xixi Wang, Xuefeng Chu, Tingxi Liu, Xiangju Cheng, and Rich Whittecar


Effects of Sea Level Rise on Hydrology: Case Study in a Typical Mid-Atlantic Coastal Watershed, Xixi Wang, Rui Li, Homa Jalaeian Taghadomi, Shohreh Pedram, and Xiao Zhao


Spatiotemporal Distribution of Eutrophication in Lake Tai as Affected by Wind, Wenhui Zhang, Qiujin Xu, Xixi Wang, Xiaozhen Hu, Cheng Wang, Yan Pang, Yanbin Hu, Yang Zhao, and Xiao Zhao

Submissions from 2016


Elasto-Plastic Transient Dynamic Response of Tubular Section Steel Cantilever Beam Under Impact Loading, AliAl Aloosi and Zia Razzaq


Backward Dijkstra Algorithms for Finding the Departure Time Based on the Specified Arrival Time for Real-Life Time-Dependent Networks, Gelareh Bakhtyar, Vi Nguyen, Mecit Cetin, and Duc Nguyen


Efficient Generalized Inverse for Solving Simultaneous Linear Equations, S. Kadiam Bose and D. T. Nguyen


Smartphone-Based Solutions to Monitor and Reduce Fuel Consumption and CO2 Footprint, Mecit Cetin, Ilyas Ustun, Tamer Nadeem, Duc Nguyen, and Hesham Rakha


Java Computer Animation for Effective Learning of the Cholesky Algorithm with Transportation Engineering Applications, Ivan Makohon, Duc T. Nguyen, and Mecit Cetin


Java Based Visualization and Animation for Teaching the Dijkstra Shortest Path Algorithm in Transportation Networks, Ivan Makohon, Duc T. Nguyen, Masha Sosonkina, Yuzhong Shen, and Manwo Ng


Network-Wide Impacts of Eco-Routes and Route Choice Behavior/Evaluation of AERIS Applications, Hesham A. Rakha, Kyoungho Ahn, Byungkyu Brian Park, and Mecit Cetin


Investigating Relationship Between Driving Patterns and Traffic Safety Using Smartphones Based Mobile Sensor Data, Olcay Sahin, Rajesh Paleti, and Mecit Cetin


Lateral-Torsional Buckling of FRP I-Section Beams, Mojtaba B. Sirjani and Zia Razzaq


New Frontiers in Chemical Energy and Environmental Engineering, Srinath Suranani, Sandeep Kumar, and Sundergopal Sridhar


Multimodal Freight Distribution to Support Increased Port Operations, Wayne K. Talley, ManWo Ng., Mecit Cetin, Hesham A. Rakha, and Byungkyu Brian Park


Temporal Variations of Streamflow in a Mid-Latitude Eurasian Steppe Watershed in the Past Half Century, Xixi Wang


Estimated Grass Grazing Removal Rate in a Semiarid Eurasian Steppe Watershed as Influenced by Climate, Xixi Wang, Shohreh Pedram, Tingxi Liu, Ruizhong Gao, Fengling Li, and Yanyun Luo

Submissions from 2015


Exploring a Toll Auction Mechanism Enabled by Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Technology, Andrew J. Collins, Erika Frydenlund, R. Michael Robinson, and Mecit Cetin


Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Water Table and Vegetation Status of a Deserted Area, Limin Duan, Tingxi Liu, Xixi Wang, and Yanyun Luo


Performance Measures for Freight & General Traffic: Investigating Similarities and Differences Using Alternate Data Sources, Filmon Habtemichael, Rajesh Paleti, and Mecit Cetin


Evaluation of a Modified Monod Model for Predicting Algal Dynamics in Lake Tai, Jian Huang, Qiujin Xu, Xixi Wang, Beidou Xi, Keli Jia, Shouliang Huo, Hongliang Liu, Changyou Li, and Bingbing Xu


Failure Modes for I-Section GFRP Beams, Mamadou Konate and Zia Razzaq


Design and Comparison of Immersive Interactive Learning and Instructional Techniques for 3D Virtual Laboratories, Shuo Ren, Frederic D. McKenzie, Sushil K. Chaturvedi, Ramamurthy Prabhakaran, Jaewan Yoon, Petros J. Katsioloudis, and Hector Garcia


On the Shoaling of Solitary Waves in the Presence of Short Random Waves, Miao Tian, Alex Sheremet, James M. Kaihatu, and Gangfeng Ma


Vapor Flow Resistance of Dry Soil Layer to Soil Water Evaporation in Arid Environment: An Overview, Xixi Wang

Submissions from 2014


Behavior of I-Section GFRP Beam Including Retrofitting for Damage Effects, Mamadou Konate and Zia Razzaq


Did a Submarine Landslide Contribute to the 2011 Tohoku Tsunami?, David R. Tappin, Stephan T. Grilli, Jeffrey C. Harris, Robert J. Geller, Timothy Masterlark, James T. Kirby, Fengyan Shi, Gangfeng Ma, K.K.S. Thingbaijam, and P. Martin Mai

Submissions from 2013


Review of US and EU Initiatives Toward Development, Demonstration, and Commercialization of Lignocellulosic Biofuels, Venkatesh Balan, David Chiaramonti, and Sandeep Kumar


Path Clearance for Emergency Vehicles Through the Use of Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication, Craig Jordan, Mecit Cetin, and R. Michael Robinson


Flexural Rigidity Characterization of Retrofitted FRP Plates, Steven J. Makonis Jr., Stella B. Bondi, and Zia Razzaq

Submissions from 2012


Impact of Intercity Tolls in Portugal – An Environmental Perspective, Jorge Bandeira, Margarida Coelho, Miguel Pimentel, and Asad Khattak


Evacuee Route Choice Decisions in a Dynamic Hurricane Evacuation Context, R. Michael Robinson and Asad Khattak


The Reduction of Storm Surge by Vegetation Canopies: Three-Dimensional Simulations, Y. Peter Sheng, Andrew Lapetina, and Gangfeng Ma

Submissions from 2011


Selection of Source and Use of Traffic Information in Emergency Situations, R. Michael Robinson and Asad Khattak


Parallel-Sparse Symmetrical/Unsymmetrical Finite Element Domain Decomposition Solver with Multi-Point Constraints for Structural/Acoustic Analysis, Siroj Tungkahotara, Willie R. Watson, Duc T. Nguyen, and Subramaniam D. Rajan

Submissions from 2010


Route Change Decision Making by Hurricane Evacuees Facing Congestion, R. Michael Robinson and Asad Khattak

Submissions from 2003


Anisotropy and Its Relation to Liquefaction Resistance of Granular Material, Isao Ishibashi and Omer F. Capar

Submissions from 1998


Evaluation of Toxicity, Bioavailability and Speciation of Lead, Zinc and Cadmium in Mine/Mill Wastewaters, Mujde Erten-Unal, Bobby G. Wixson, Nord Gale, and Jerry L. Pitt

Submissions from 1992


An Experimental Method for Determining Membrane Penetration, Jong W. Choi and Isao Ishibashi

Submissions from 1985


Effect of Grain Characteristics on Liquefaction Potential—In Search of Standard Sand for Cyclic Strength, Isao Ishibashi