Date of Award

Fall 10-1990

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Community & Environmental Health

Committee Director

Gregory H. Frazer

Committee Member

Colin B. Box

Committee Member

John L. Echternach

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.C48S36


The focus of this study is a comparison of the National Association of Health Care Recruiter's annual recruitment survey with a duplicate survey that was sent to pediatriconly acute care hospitals. The goal was to determine differences between the recruitment and retention statistics found in all hospitals compared to those found in pediatriconly hospitals. Also, a major consideration was to find correlations among the variables in nurse recruitment and retention that might lead to a better understanding of what influences the recruitment budgeting process and how recruitment dollars might be spent most efficiently.

There was no significant difference found between the general hospital and pediatric data. One drawback of the study was the unavailability of the raw data from the NAHCR survey. Comparisons were made from mean estimates of selected parameters of the NAHCR survey report. Correlations were found between budget, and turnover and FTEs. The observations were useful to the professional recruiter for comparison of recruitment budgets and other recruitment statistics needed for planning.


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