Date of Award

Summer 8-1990

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Community & Environmental Health


Community Health Education

Committee Director

David A. Sterling

Committee Member

Gregory H. Frazer

Committee Member

Scott R. Sechrist

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.C48S49


This study was performed to determine if there is a quantifiable difference between quantitative fit testing using a probed facepiece and a probed cartridge. Four subjects were tested on four different respirators. The respirators used were MSA & 3M full and half face respirator. Each subject performed each method five times per respirator. The results indicated no correlation between the two fit testing methods overall. However, a moderate correlation was found between the MSA respirators and the two methods. This study found many variables which influence fit testing. These include the type of respirator used (brand and facepiece), the probe location, the probe depth, and the variability found between donnings.

In conclusion, the probed cartridge method is an acceptable method for conducting quantitative fit tests. The probed cartridge would provide for a method to use a wearers own respirator to perform the quantitative fit test. This method would result in a more representative individual fit factor.


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