Date of Award

Summer 2008

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Dental Hygiene


Dental Hygiene

Committee Director

Deanne Shuman

Committee Member

Sharon C. Stull

Committee Member

Robert E. Ratzlaff

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.D46 D69 2008


Placement of pit and fissure dental sealants is an effective therapy for tooth decay prevention and is widely accepted as a standard of care throughout the United States. Pit and fissure dental sealants (sealants) are manufactured using the resin component of composite dental materials, formed by reacting glycidyl methacrylate with bisphenol A. Bisphenol A (BPA) is a hormonally active, synthetic chemical that is part of a broad group of chemicals known as endocrine disrupting compounds, xenoestrogens, which mimic bioactivity of estrogen. This study measured BP A in saliva and blood after the placement of a widely used, pit and fissure sealant material in 30 subjects using a directcompetitive bisphenol A Enzyme Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay (ELISA). Subjects ranged in age from 18-40 years of age and were of mixed gender and ethnicity. Differences in bisphenol A comparing low-dose (I-sealant) and high-dose ( 4-sealants) groups were examined one hour prior, one hour post, three hour post and 24 hours after sealant placement. Data were analyzed using a parametric, two-way analysis of variance for repeated measures. Bisphenol A was detected in the saliva of all participants prior to a sealant placement and ranged from 0.07-6.00 ng/ml. Salivary BPA concentration levels peaked over a 3-hour period following sealant placement and returned to baseline levels within 24-hours. BP A was significantly elevated at all post sealant placement time periods for both the low-dose and high-dose sealant groups with peak levels of 3.98 ng/ml and 9.08 ng/ml, respectively. The blood serum did not contain BPA at any point in this study.


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