Date of Award

Summer 2005

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Electrical & Computer Engineering


Electrical Engineering

Committee Director

Ravindra P. Joshi

Committee Member

Linda L. Vahala

Committee Member

Vijayan Asari

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.E55 B65 2005


Gallium Nitride (GaN) is a relatively new and promising semiconductor material. It is finding its place in commercial applications such as transistors, light-emitting diodes, and in blue lasers. The large bandgap of GaN allows for very low canier densities and high breakdown voltages. This combination results in a greatly reduced background current and noise, and can withstand large applied voltages. In addition, GaN is sturdy and has strong mechanical properties. These are all ideal characteristics for application in high-energy particle detection.

In this thesis, the central goal is to assess the response of a GaN-based particle detector through numerical modeling. Simulations allow for the assessment of a large parameter space, and are cost-efficient since no actual development and manufacture is involved. A literature review of GaN is first presented and its properties compared to GaAs, a commonly used semiconductor detector. The properties of GaN most conducive to particle detection are discussed. Several important fabrication techniques are mentioned for completeness.

The simulation approach, based on the Monte Carlo method, is then discussed in detail. For completeness, some other simulation approaches are also described. The simulation details, including cross-section for scattering have been provided, and the formulation described. The modeling limitations and parameter set are also given.

Finally, results for the propagation and dynamics of energetic electrons incident on a GaN detector are obtained from the Monte Carlo simulations. A range of incident energies for mono-energetic and Gaussian distributed profiles, have been considered. Predictions are made for the back-scattering flux, and the relative population of transmitted and captured electrons. Optimal detector dimensions for a range of incident energies are predicted. Finally, the creation of secondary particles and their spatial profiles have been simulated for assessment of detector currents.


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