Submissions from 2024
Removing Development Incentives in Risky Areas Promotes Climate Adaptation, Hannah Druckenmiller, Yanjun (Penny) Liao, Sophie Pesek, Margaret Walls, and Shan Zhang
Is West Virginia a Haven for Disabled Workers? An Evolving Story, James V. Koch and Robert M. McNab
Advanced Air Mobility, Economic Impacts, and Equity Considerations, Robert M. McNab
Sustainable Maritime Shipping, ManWo Ng and Wayne K. Talley
Older and Wiser? Relative Age and College Course Failure, P. Wesley Routon and Jay K. Walker
Unconventional Philosophies and Practices: Vietnamese Family Firm Performance in Multiple Countries, Amon Simba, Mai Thi Thanh Thai, Aymen Ammari, James V. Koch, and Paul Jones
National Integration and Institution Building, Haiwen Zhou
Submissions from 2023
Economic Freedom and One-Way Truck Rental Prices: An Empirical Note, Alexander Cardazzi and Robert A. Lawson
The Managerial Factors Influencing the Retention of Firms' IT Capability, With Some Global Implications, Jinho Kim, Kayoung Park, Timothy Komarek, and Li Xu
Using the LSAT as a Labor Market Thermometer for Lawyers, James V. Koch and Barbara Blake-Gonzalez
Do Lawyers Inhibit Economic Growth? New Evidence from the 50 U.S. States, James V. Koch and Richard J. Cebula
Historically Black Colleges and Universities are Vital and Valuable to the United States, James V. Koch and Omari H. Swinton
What Type of Central Banker Dampens The Political Business Cycle? The Case of Africa, Christine Strong
The Choice of Technology in Economic Development, Lei Wen and Haiwen Zhou
Unification and Division: A Theory of Institutional Choices in Imperial China, Haiwen Zhou
Submissions from 2022
Search, Technology Choice, and Unemployment, Constantine Angyridis and Haiwen Zhou
The Partition of Production Between Households and Markets, Christopher Colburn and Haiwen Zhou
Promoting Sustainable Responses to the US Opioid Epidemic With Community-Academic Partnerships: Qualitative Outcomes From a Statewide Program, David L. Driscoll, Alison Evans Cuellar, Vinod Agarwal, Debra Jones, Kathy Hosig, and Mary Beth Dunkenberger
Why Has the Median Real Income of Lawyers Been Declining?, James V. Koch and Barbara Blake-Gonzalez
Pulling Back the Veil: What Determines HBCU Campus Enrollments, James V. Koch and Omari H. Swinton
Submissions from 2021
"Letters", James V. Koch and Seth Forman
Local Fiscal Adjustments from Depopulation: Evidence from the Post–Cold War Defense Contraction, Timothy M. Komarek and Gary A. Wagner
Fixed Costs and the Division of Labor, Haiwen Zhou
Submissions from 2020
Drug-Overdose Death Rates: The Economic Misery Explanation and Its Alternatives, Barbara Blake Gonzalez, Richard Cebula, and James V. Koch
The Drug Overdose Epidemic Seen through Different Lenses, Barbara Blake Gonzalez, Richard Cebula, and James V. Koch
Does Starting School Before Labor Day Affect High School Retention and Graduation: Evidence From Virginia's Kings Dominion Law, Timothy M. Komarek and Jay K. Walker
Submissions from 2019
Coordination Costs, Market Size, and the Choice of Technology, Haiwen Zhou
Submissions from 2017
An Overlapping-Generations Model of Firm Heterogeneity in Economic Development, Yu Chen and Haiwen Zhou
Health Capital Investment and Time Spent on Health Related Activities, Juan Du and Takeshi Yagihashi
Intertemporal Elasticity of Substitution with Leisure Margin, Juan Du and Takeshi Yagihashi
The Long Term Effects of an Aging Fleet on Operational Availability and Cost: Evidence from the US Coast Guard, Christopher W. Lavin, Robert M. McNab, and Ryan S. Sullivan
How Costly is a Misspecified Credit Channel DSGE Model in Monetary Policymaking?, Takeshi Yagihashi
How Do The Trans-Pacific Economies Affect the USA? An Industrial Sector Approach, Takeshi Yagihashi and David D. Selover
Submissions from 2016
Goods-Time Elasticity of Substitution in Health Production, Juan Du and Takeshi Yagihashi
The Big Economic Development Project Question: Is It New Revenue or a Spending Transfer?, Paul Harris, Ronald Berkebile, Julia Martin, and Larry Filer
Anchoring in Financial Decision-Making: Evidence from the Field, Michael Jetter and Jay K. Walker
Gender in Jeopardy!: The Role of Opponent Gender in High-Stakes Competition, Michael Jetter and Jay K. Walker
Multimodal Freight Distribution to Support Increased Port Operations, Wayne K. Talley, ManWo Ng., Mecit Cetin, Hesham A. Rakha, and Byungkyu Brian Park
Silence is Golden: Railroad Noise Pollution and Property Values, Jay K. Walker
Maritime Economics in a Post-Expansion Panama Canal Era, Grace W. Y. Wang, Wayne Talley, and Mary R. Brooks
A Dynamic Model of the Choice of Technology in Economic Development, Haiwen Zhou and Ruhai Zhou
Submissions from 2015
Are Religion and Environmentalism Complements or Substitutes?: A Club-Based Approach, Feler Bose and Timothy M. Komarek
Health Care Use, Out-of-Pocket Expenditure, and Macroeconomic Conditions During the Great Recession, Juan Du and Takeshi Yagihashi
Out-of-School Sports Time and Children's Body Weight Status: Evidence From a Longitudinal Study, Juan Du, Qi Zhang, and Michael Stallone
Game, Set, and Match: Do Women and Men Perform Differently in Competitive Situations?, Michael Jetter and Jay K. Walker
Good Girl, Bad Boy: Corrupt Behavior in Professional Tennis, Michael Jetter and Jay K. Walker
Empirical Identification of Factor Models, Piyachart Phiromswad and Takeshi Yagihashi
Examining Industrial Interdependence Between Japan and South Korea: A FAVAR Approach, David D. Selover and Takeshi Yagihashi
Health Care Inflation and It's Implications for Monetary Policy, Takeshi Yagihashi and Juan Du
Intertemporal Elasticity of Substitution and Risk Aversion: Are They Related Empirically?, Takeshi Yagihashi and Juan Du
The Choice of Technology and Equilibrium Wage Rigidity, Haiwen Zhou
Unemployment and Economic Integration for Developing Countries, Haiwen Zhou
Submissions from 2014
Governance in the Maritime Industry, Okan Duru, Mary R. Brooks, Wayne Talley, and Gi-Tae Yeo
Why Can Weak Linkages Cause International Stock Market Synchronization? The Mode-Locking Effect, Larry Filer and David D. Selover
Crime and Natural Resource Booms: Evidence From Unconventional Natural Gas Production, Timothy M. Komarek
Intermediate Inputs and External Economies, Haiwen Zhou
International Trade with Increasing Returns in the Transportation Sector, Haiwen Zhou
Submissions from 2013
The Cost of Omitting Credit Channel in DSGE Model, Takeshi Yagihashi
The Choice of Technology and Rural-Urban Migration in Economic Development, Haiwen Zhou
Submissions from 2012
Formal and Informal Care: An Empirical Bayesian Analysis Using the Two-Part Model, Juan Du
Are Low Wages Risk Factors for Hypertension?, J. Paul Leigh and Juan Du
Submissions from 2011
Forecasting Empty Container Volumes, Rafael Diaz, Wayne Talley, and Mandar Tulpule
Confucianism and the Legalism: A Model of the National Strategy of Governance in Ancient China, Haiwen Zhou
Submissions from 2010
Costs of Defending Against Rising Sea Levels and Flooding in Mid-Atlantic Metropolitan Coastal Areas: The Basic Issues, James V. Koch
Review of Running Alone: Presidential Leadership from JFK to Bush II: Why It Has Failed and How We Can Fix It, James V. Koch
Review of Willmott, H.P., The Great Crusade: A New Complete History of the Second World War, James V. Koch
Submissions from 2009
Review of Sebag-Montefiore, Hugh, Dunkirk: Fight to the Last Man, James V. Koch
Review of Stansky, Peter, The First Day of the Blitz: September 7, 1940., James V. Koch
Determinants of the Probability of Ship Injuries, Wayne K. Talley
2008 Virginia Beach Tourism Economic Impact Study, Gilbert R. Yochum and Vinod Agarwal
Submissions from 2008
Academic Libraries: Should Strategic Planning be Renewed?, Walter A. Brown and Barbara Blake Gonzalez
Submissions from 2007
Internal Increasing Returns to Scale and Economic Growth, John A. List and Haiwen Zhou
Financing Port Dredging Costs: Taxes Versus User Fees, Wayne K. Talley
Submissions from 2006
Intra-Firm Specialization, Income Distribution, and International Trade, Haiwen Zhou
Submissions from 2005
Modeling of Commercial Maritime Port Recoverability from Security Disruptions: Work-in-Progress, C. Ariel Pinto and Wayne K. Talley
Submissions from 1998
The Revolution in Higher Education, James V. Koch
Submissions from 1995
The Effects of Subsidies on Public Transit Long-Run Costs, Kofi Obeng, Wayne K. Talley, and Christopher Colburn
Submissions from 1985
Foreign Demand For United States Higher Education: A Study of Developing Countries in the Eastern Hemisphere, Vinod B. Agarwal and Donald R. Winkler
Economics of the Pacific Whiting, Merluccius productus, Fishery, Eric Anderson