Recent Developments in Military-Connected Student Research

Document Type

Conference Paper

Publication Date


Publication Title

2019 NASPA Knowledge Community Publication



Conference Name

2019 NASPA Annual Conference



Military-connected students and student veterans attend 96% of all institutions of higher education (Queen & Lewis, 2014) and comprise more than 5% of students nationally (Radford, Bentz, Dekker, & Paslov, 2016). As this population increases, so too do contributions to the body of scholarship. Researchers, both those in their graduate studies and those with extensive experience, have furthered literature on student veterans in higher education. Over the past year, about two dozen studies have been published, almost half in scholarly journals and half in support of educational pursuits. Several authors explored student veterans through a strengths lens focused on student success. Others focused on nontraditional aspects of student veterans. Even if articles did not solely focus on student learning and development, the authors made practical recommendations that affect this competency. This review includes 13 recent studies and concludes with actionable recommendations for practitioners.


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