Date of Award

Spring 2017

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Engineering Management & Systems Engineering

Committee Director

Charles B. Daniels

Committee Member

Resit Unal

Committee Member

Rafael Landaeta

Committee Member

Jesse L. Calloway


The purpose of this research is to investigate the influence of individually perceived productivity on the relationship between individually assessed organizational climate and affective commitment, from heterogeneous survey participant data. A theoretical framework is adopted to explain how organizational climate shapes employee perception and how this relationship is moderated by a perceived productivity. This is a relatively unexplored concept in the defined context and has been developed by the researcher. Perceived productivity was measured using an instrument developed in this research to gauge respondents’ perception of their productivity. The instrument, named the General Measure of Perceived Productivity (GMPP), was developed in a mixed-methods approach that employed both qualitative and quantitative tools. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) of the instrument was performed to establish validity and reliability, using pilot survey data. The main study applied the GMPP along with other research variable instruments to measure organizational climate and affective commitment, also at the individual unit of analysis. Moderated multiple regression analysis was used in the proposed model, in which perceived productivity moderates the relationship between organizational climate (the independent variable) and affective commitment (the dependent variable). The results demonstrate that the relationship between organizational climate and affective commitment depends on the level of perceived productivity, and is strengthened in the presence of higher perceived productivity. This research supports the existing body of literature relating to organizational behavior while developing a theory on a new concept, perceived productivity.






