Date of Award

Summer 2003

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Engineering Management & Systems Engineering

Committee Director

Paul Kauffmann

Committee Member

Ralph Rogers

Committee Member

Resit Unal

Committee Member

Edward Johnson


Product development of complex, innovative information technology related systems presents difficult challenges for technology managers, and new product failures are a significant problem. The main reason for this is insufficient decision-making due to the lack of a customer-oriented product development process in the information system (IS) companies, which is often related to deficiencies in cooperation between R&D and marketing departments. Integrating consumer requirements into the product design phase is an important factor for improving market success. Therefore, a product development decision model is needed for the managers of information system companies to make more accurate decisions about the characteristics of the new products that meet customer needs.

This research examines various decision models for IS product design and concludes that an integrated approach including Quality Function Deployment (QFD) and Kano's customer satisfaction model is the most useful one for the new product development problems of the IS industry. For this reason, it creates a unique methodology to develop a combined model specifically for IS design by providing critical differences and improvements in this research area: Integration of Kano's model into QFD. Then, it successfully tests this methodology on an information system product development case that presents an excellent example of information systems: A NASA problem on new general aviation (GA) cockpit weather information system development. Consequently, this research provides a unique, useful and valid decision model to prevent the IS product development failures, and successfully demonstrates the model on a relevant problem.


