Date of Award

Spring 2013

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Engineering Management & Systems Engineering


Engineering Management and Systems Engineering

Committee Director

Adrian Gheorghe

Committee Member

Resit Unal

Committee Member

Holly Handley

Committee Member

Gokay Sursal


This main objective of this dissertation is to propose an expert based multi attribute group decision making model (MAGDM) for portfolio evaluation and demonstrate it by applying it to evaluate brigade types under different military missions. Specifically, currently used Heavy, Mechanized Infantry, Airborne Infantry, and Stryker brigades are evaluated under a set of possible future military missions. The purpose of the study is to provide a model for decision makers, engaged in a force development process.

This study combined MAGDM and simulation by using expert judgments to create distributions rather than aggregating them into point values. Excel and Monte Carlo simulation software are exploited to create the model.

This dissertation will primarily be of interest to force planners and high-level decision makers in the land forces and broader Department of Defense and other parts of the government concerned with defense planning. It should also be of interest to researchers focusing on decision making, specifically Multi Attribute Decision Making (MADM), and Multi Attribute Group Decision Making (MAGDM) under imprecise information, and engineers dealing with portfolio selection.




