Date of Award

Summer 6-1985

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Political Science & Geography


Graduate Program in International studies

Committee Director

Carl Boyd

Committee Director

Darwin Bostick

Committee Member

Philip S. Gillette

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.I45 A23


A case study method is used to examine the role played by the United States Navy in bringing about the Second Cuban Intervention of 1906-1909. The 1906 American navy had a distinct lack of centralized direction during the September crisis in Cuba. As a consequence, initiative in the crisis passed to the several naval officers representing the United States in Cuba at the time. These officers acted in consonance with the navy's own institutional agendas and contrary to the objectives of the Theodore Roosevelt administration. In so doing these officers were supported and even rewarded for their actions by the sympathetic uniformed hierarchy within their department. The result was a massive military intervention in Cuba and an American occupation of the island which the American president did not want and worked strenuously to avoid. Principal research sources include the official records of the State and Navy Departments as well as personal papers of the major participants.


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