Date of Award

Spring 5-2008

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Political Science & Geography


Graduate Program in International studies

Committee Director

Francis Adams

Committee Member

David Earnest

Committee Member

Angelica Huizar

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.I45 D94 2008


Immigration has been one of the major political and economic topics debated by governments in the world. In the United States, migration legislation is debated in the Senate, and impacts every industry throughout the country. Therefore, with further research in this field more answers for why migration occurs can be found. Although various disciplines focus on this phenomenon, each offers reasons specific to the discipline which is searching for an explanation. This thesis acknowledges that economic factors, social aspects, push and pull influences are some of the reasons for immigration, but it also proposes that there are other forces behind this movement of people which have not been explored previously. This research examines the migration from Mexico to the United States and the influence of the Mexican government through its policies. In order to present this viewpoint, the research includes the history of Mexican immigration throughout the 20th century, and the changes from one decade to another. Additional information included are the explanations of the Mexican economy, the push and pull factors, and the dangers of crossing the U.S.-Mexican border illegally. All of these researched areas are crucial in explaining why immigration between Mexico and the United States has been occurring, even with U.S. government policies trying to decrease the flow.


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