Date of Award

Summer 8-1984

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Political Science & Geography


Graduate Program in International studies

Committee Director

Thomas W. Burkman

Committee Member

Willard C. Frank

Committee Member

Philip S. Gillette

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.I45B68


The Korean War was a benchmark in the modern history of Japan. It became a catalyst for political action, and the fountainhead of the "economic miracle" that raised Japan once again to a prominent position among nations. The Korean War helped solve many political problems, including the tricky question of a peace treaty. It confirmed Japan's commitment to a no-war constitution. It also permitted the Japanese government to relax the restrictions imposed by occupation authorities. The war created a fortuitous economic stimulus that permitted Japan to emerge from the recessionary period that followed World War II and to establish the pattern that created the "economic miracle" of the subsequent years. Japan began to rearm but did so in a slow, calculated way. The pattern of relations with other nations established in that period has continued to the present.


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