Date of Award

Spring 5-1995

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Political Science & Geography


Graduate Program in International studies

Committee Director

David M. Keithly

Committee Member

Philip S. Gillette

Committee Member

Pia Christina Wood

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.I45W47


The problem addressed in this study is the issue of ethnicity in post-communist Czechoslovakia. Specifically, the roots of the Czechoslovaks' "Velvet Divorce," or dissolution into two independent states, are explored and an explanation is offered as to the cause of this ethnic separatism. The methods used include archival, sociological, and statistical research so as to provide a firm multidisciplinary basis for the. conclusions reached. The results of this research suggest that the nation of Czechoslovakia was never integrated in a meaningful manner. Though unified legally for over seventy years, the Czechs and Slovaks did not develop a common identity as Czechoslovaks. The conclusion reached is that while political, economic, and social forces contributed to the legal division of the Czechoslovak nation, unified Czechoslovakia was merely a transitional phase for these two peoples who had previously existed only under the rule of foreign powers.


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