Date of Award

Summer 2002

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Human Movement Sciences

Committee Director

Sheri Colberg

Committee Member

David Branch

Committee Member

Elizabeth Dowling

Committee Member

David P. Swain

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.E44 H65 2002


The purpose of this study was to determine the interaction between psychological and physiological parameters before and after a 10-week, aerobic training study of sedentary diabetic individuals and sedentary controls. Tests measuring physiological parameters (interstitial NO, blood flow, lactate threshold, VO2 peak and glycosylated hemoglobin) and a quality of life survey were completed before and after training. Nine previously sedentary diabetic (DE, diabetic exerciser) and 10 control sedentary subjects (CE, control exerciser) engaged in 10 weeks of supervised aerobic exercise. A non-training diabetic group (DS, diabetic sedentary, n=12) and a non-training control group (CS, control sedentary, n=I0) were also formed. There were no significant differences among age, height, weight, BMI or scores in the PCS or MCS in the training and non-training groups.

Neither did we find any significant differences between diabetic and the control subjects in the trained or untrained state in either PCS or MCS scores. A significant increase occurred in lactate threshold with training (p=0.002), which was different between groups (p


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