Date of Award

Fall 2023

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Human Movement Sciences


Exercise Science

Committee Director

Hunter J. Bennett

Committee Member

Zachary A.P. Sievert

Committee Member

Patrick Wilson


Back squatting is a widely used movement in the strength and conditioning community. Within the last few years, velocity-dependent training and its application of tracking intensity have increased in popularity. Biomechanics research has frequently examined force generation, joint loading, and muscle contributions of back squats with different bar placement, stance width, and increasing barbell loads. However, no information exists regarding whether lifting with intent increases velocity and how increased velocity is biomechanically achieved. This study aimed to examine how lifting with intent affects bar velocity and how joint moment alterations could contribute to these potential changes in velocity. Fifteen males with ≥1 year resistance training and ≥1 day of lower body training per week participated. Squat stance, bar placement, and footwear were standardized. Participants completed 3 self-selected velocity squats with a pause at the bottom at 70% and 80% then 1 repetition at 90% and 1RM. Participants then performed back squats with the same 70% and 80% 1RM load, but with the instruction to ascend “as fast as possible” along with visual feedback via a tendo unit. Paired samples t-tests were used to examine differences in average ascent velocity and peak hip and knee moments. Ascent velocity was significantly increased during instructed velocity compared to self-selected for both 70% and 80% (p


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