Date of Award

Spring 2010

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Education (MSEd)


Human Movement Sciences


Athletic Training

Committee Director

James Onate

Committee Director

Bonnie Van Lunen

Committee Member

Stacie Ringleb

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.E44 Q36 2010


Altered neuromuscular control strategies and biomechanical movement risk factors are most likely to contribute to the increased incidence of non-contact ACL injury for female athletes. Neuromuscular control strategies and movement patterns are further altered when the effects of fatigue are present. The purpose of this study was to determine neuromechanical differences between two fatigue protocols [Slow Linear Oxidative Fatigue Protocol (SLO-FP) and Functional Agility Short-Term Fatigue Protocol (FASTFP)] when performing a running stop-jump task (RS). A sample of convenience of fifteen Division I female soccer players (age= 19.2 ± 0.8 years; height= 1.67 ± 0.05 m; mass= 61.7 ± 8.1 kg) participated in this study. Participants performed five successful trials of a RS task pre and post fatigue protocols. For the SLO-FP, a VO2peak test was conducted prior to the fatigue protocol. Five minutes after the conclusion of VO2pcak test subjects started the fatigue protocol by performing a 30-minute interval run with six intervals. The FAST-FP consisted of 4 sets of a functional circuit that included: L-Drill, Ladder, Vertical Jumps, and step-ups. Repeated 2 (time) x 2 (protocol) ANOVAs were conducted to assess task and fatigue differences. Alpha level was set at .05. During SLOFP participants had increased internal varus moment at initial contact (0.064±0.09Nm/Kgm) when compared with the FAST-FP (0.024±0.06Nm/kgm), p=0.033. Participants were in significantly lower hip flexion at initial contact post-fatigue (44. 7±8.1 °) when compared with pre-fatigue (50.1±9.5°), p=0.001 as well as at peak vertical ground reaction force post-fatigue (44.7±8.4°) when compared with pre-fatigue (50.4±10.3°), p=0.001; at peak posterior ground reaction force post-fatigue (45.2±8.6°) when compared with pre-fatigue (51.1±10.8°), p=0.001; at peak knee flexion post-fatigue (38.7±8.7°) when compared with pre-fatigue (45.1±11.6°), p=0.001, and at max hip flexion post-fatigue (47.3±8.2°) when compared with pre-fatigue (53.3±10.95°), p=0.001. During SLO-FP subjects had increased knee extension moment (2.0l±.32Nm/ when compared with the FASTFP (1.9±.36Nm/Kgm), p=0.033. Both protocols induced similar changes to our subjects lower extremity biomechanics, the FAST-FP induced changes in as little as five minutes whereas the SLO-FP took 45 minutes to induce similar biomechanical changes. Our results demonstrated a decrease in hip and knee flexion angles at post-fatigue condition. Landing in an upright position has been shown to increase anterior tibial shear force, which augments the loads on the ACL.


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