Document Type


Publication Date


Conference Name

Virginia Library Association, VLA-ACRL, Williamsburg, VA


Poster presentation at the Virginia Library Association Conference on October 23, 2014. This poster introduces new ideas for instructional design using game structures that students are already familiar with to teach information literacy concepts. It is well documented that millennials enjoy learning through collaboration with peers and self-exploration in a fast-paced, technology rich environment, and game-based instruction can be a great way to engage them in the classroom. While millennials are comfortable with technology and enjoy learning through video and web-based games, it is difficult for libraries with limited resources to compete with the expectations that students have based on their lifelong experiences with high-tech video games. Examples of non-technology based games that have been effective with undergraduates are provided. Specifically, a case study that the presenter conducted, of creating an innovative Candy Land based game to teach information ethics will is described. Student responses and assessment of student learning is shared.


Poster presentation. Also available through Slideshare:
