Linda Mizejewski, 1st Annual Arts Reunion

Document Type

Featured Participant

Festival Date



Arts and Letters Auditorium, Room 104

Author/Artist Bio

Linda Mizejewski, a graduate of the University of Arkansas writing program, teaches at ODU. Formerly an instructor in the Poetry-in-the-Schools program and a technical writer, Ms. Mizejewski has published scholarly articles and poetry. Her works have appeared in Southern Review, Journal of English and Germanic Philology, and The Georgia Review, among others.


Reading/The Woman's Voice: Nancy Bazin, Linda Mizejewski, and Debra Bruce read from the works of contemporary women writers. Ms. Mizejewski and Ms. Bruce also read selections from their own poetry. The readings took place at 12:30 p.m. on Tuesday, September 26, 1978 in the Arts and Letters Auditorium, Room 104.


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