Date of Award

Spring 5-1990

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)



Committee Director

Angela C. Martin

Committee Member

Linda L. Davis

Committee Member

Betty Alexy

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.N8P47


The purpose of the following study was to determine whether contraceptive use could be predicted from health locus of control, contraceptive self-efficacy, and sexual self-concept scores in a selected group of single college students ages 18-24. In order to better understand contraceptive behaviors, it is desirable to determine which personality variables may influence contraceptive behavior in young adults. A sample of 122 single undergraduate college students, both male and female, ages 18-24, completed a self-reported questionnaire including tools to measure health locus of control, contraceptive self-efficacy, and sexual self-concept, as well as demographic data. The participants were divided into two groups based on the consistency of their self-reported contraceptive use. One research hypothesis was tested. Utilizing Pearson correlations, a significant positive correlation was found between sexual self-concept and contraceptive self-efficacy. The results of multiple regression demonstrated that the consistency of contraceptive use can not be predicted from knowledge of sexual self-concept, contraceptive self-efficacy, and health locus of control scores.


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