Date of Award

Spring 5-1982

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)



Committee Director

Helen Yura

Committee Member

Ronald V. Singer

Committee Member

Ann Bennett

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.N8B44


The effects of a 12-week session of aerobic dancing were examined on two groups of women, assigned into fit and unfit groups. The subjects had voluntarily enrolled in aerobic dancing prior to the study. Self-Esteem scores were obtained using the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale during the first and tenth or eleventh weeks of the session. Pretest and posttest scores were analyzed along with the variables of age, marital status, weight loss, and smoking habits. A significantly higher gain score (posttest score subtracted from pretest score) was found on those women who attended three weekly classes compared to those who attended two weekly classes. A significant difference on gain scores was also found between those who had lost weight and those who had not (women who lost weight gained more in self-esteem). Significant differences were also found on pretest scores between fit married and single women, and between smokers and nonsmokers (fit married women and nonsmokers had higher self-esteems).


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