Document Type
Conference Paper
Publication Date
Conference Name
HEALTHINFO 2017: The Second International Conference on Informatics and Assistive Technologies for Health-Care, Medical Support, and Wellbeing, Athens, Greece, October 8-12, 2017
Individuals living with dementia (ILWD) often experience problematic agitated behaviors, this occurs in up to 80% of ILWD. These behaviors lead to stress for caregivers and increased frequency of institutionalization. There are many proven methods to intervene during agitated behavior outburst and the earlier these methods are used the better the results. Technology has been used successfully to monitor many aspects of health monitoring for older adults. Technology is now being investigated to evaluate the effectiveness of predicting the onset of problem behaviors, especially escalating agitation in ILWD. Off the shelf technology, smart watches and android phones, are being tested to measure limb movements, vocalizations, heart rate and location in facility, to evaluate their ability to provide data that is helpful in predicting agitated behaviors about to occur. This project is a collaboration between nursing and computer science in a major university setting. Currently, work has been completed on volunteers acting as patients to evaluate the ability of this technology to measure the desired parameters. Positive results have been obtained; the goal is to trial this technology on ILWD that have documented history of agitation in an assisted living environment.
Original Publication Citation
Fowler, C., Gupta, A., Maly, K., Karlowicz, K., Gunnam, M., Gudipati, R., . . . Rachamalla, R. (2017). Detecting agitation onset in individuals with dementia using smart phone sensors. Paper presented at the HEALTHINFO 2017: The Second International Conference on Informatics and Assistive Technologies for Health-Care, Medical Support, and Wellbeing, Athens, Greece, October 8-12, 2017.
0000-0001-7543-4303 (Nesbitt-Fowler), 0000-0002-3928-574X (Gunnam)
Repository Citation
Fowler, Christianne; Gupta, Ajay; Maly, Kurt; Karlowicz, Karen; Gunnam, Maheedhar; Gudipati, Rohila; Kukunooru, Mahesh; and Rachamalla, Rahul, "Detecting Agitation Onset in Individuals With Dementia Using Smart Phone Sensors" (2017). Ellmer School of Nursing Faculty Publications. 33.
© 2017 International Academy, Research, and Industry Association
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