Think "Glocal": Advancing the Sustainable Development Goals During Stay at Home Orders
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Nursing Centered
[First paragraph] As the newest Sigma United Nations Liaison, I was excited to attend the 64th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), my first event at the UN Headquarters in New York City. I made my reservations and mapped out my agenda. Participants from around the globe, including all of my new UN Liaison colleagues, would be in attendance. The 12-day event promised multiple opportunities to network, gather information, and raise our collective voices to highlight the contributions of nurses toward promoting gender equality and advancing the Sustainable Developmental Goals (SDGs).
© 2024 Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing.
Included with the kind written permission of the publisher.
Original Publication Citation
Hawkins, J. (2020, June 3). Think "glocal": Advancing the sustainable development goals during stay at home orders. Nursing Centered.
0000-0002-7204-0533 (Hawkins)
Repository Citation
Hawkins, Janice, "Think "Glocal": Advancing the Sustainable Development Goals During Stay at Home Orders" (2020). Nursing Faculty Publications. 77.