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Computer Ethics - Philosophical Enquiry (CEPE) Proceedings

ISSN 2689-2782

Computer Ethics - Philosophical Enquiry (CEPE) is one of the longest-running major international conferences bringing leading researchers in the field of philosophy of technology together since 1997. CEPE is held biennially and is organized by INSEIT (the International Society for Ethics and Information Technology).

Editor: Dylan Wittkower

Eastern Virginia Medical Journal

Eastern Virginia Medical Journal is an open-access online journal that publishes peer-reviewed medical science manuscripts authored by members of, and pertaining to, Eastern Virginia Medical School at Old Dominion University Graduate Medical Education.

Green Humanities: A Journal of Ecological Thought in Literature, Philosophy & the Arts

ISSN 2377-9977

Newspaper headlines and political discourse habituate us to alarming news about the intensifying dangers of global warming, hydraulic fracturing or ‘fracking,’ rising sea levels, and greenhouse gases. All too often, we become over-reliant on data-driven scientific approaches to the natural world at the expense of humanistic discourse. There has been a perceived schism between the humanities, seemingly on the sidelines or in an ivory tower, while the natural sciences frequently take the public spotlight and are thought to lead on environmental issues. We at Green Humanities believe in the power of the humanities–a book, a poem or a work of art for example—to influence public opinion and inspire engagement with ecological issues and causes. Green Humanities aims to place the humanities on the frontlines not only of cutting edge eco-criticism, but also of the environmental debates that will shape and determine our very world. We envision varied collaborations and juxtapositions of scholarship within the humanities as well as environmental sciences and related fields–all with the overarching goal of coaxing our global society toward a more sustainable future.

Journal of Human Services Scholarship and Interprofessional Collaboration

The Journal of Human Services Scholarship and Interprofessional Collaboration (JHSSIC) is a no-fee open-access peer-reviewed scholarly journal spanning professions and highlighting interprofessional practice. Interprofessional collaboration occurs when two or more individuals with distinct professional identities work together and is associated with increased quality of care and improved client outcomes. JHSSIC calls for research on helping professionals and practice from interdisciplinary professional communities comprising human services that contribute to comprehensive integrated care.

OUR Journal: ODU Undergraduate Research Journal

OUR Journal (Old Dominion University Undergraduate Research Journal) is an open access journal published by the Perry Honors College at Old Dominion University (ODU) in Norfolk, Virginia. OUR Journal accepts submissions of research articles, fiction, poetry, photography, and other creative works from ODU undergraduate students across all disciplines. We aim to select the best works for publication.

Journal header design by Ivanete Blanco

Reconstruction: Studies in Contemporary Culture

ISSN 1547-4348

Reconstruction: Studies in Contemporary Culture (ISSN: 1547-4348) ran from 2001-2017 as an innovative online cultural studies journal. It was dedicated to fostering an intellectual community composed of scholars and their audience, granting them all the ability to share thoughts and opinions on the most important and influential work in contemporary interdisciplinary studies. All issues are now being archived by Old Dominion University Libraries. See the About this Journal for more information.

The Journal of Sociotechnical Critique

ISSN 2643-1629

The Journal of Sociotechnical Critique is a no-fee open-access peer-reviewed scholarly journal that seeks to support theoretically-engaged critical, public, and activist work at the intersections of philosophy of technology, internet studies, communications theory, library and information science, environmental ethics, and related fields. We welcome submissions on these topics from the international scholarly community looking at sociotechnical dynamics within any cultural and geographic context.

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

Contact the journal at or write one of our Editors directly.

Virginia Journal of Science

ISSN 0042-658X

Published since 1940, the Virginia Journal of Science is an academic, peer-reviewed publication focused on all areas of science affecting the state of Virginia. As the official publication of the Virginia Academy of Science, it includes meeting minutes, notes, and reports of the Academy, as well as proceedings from annual meetings.

VJS transitioned to an electronic format in Summer 2016. Print issues are no longer being produced. Volume 50, 1999 through the present are available here. For back issues since 1940, consult the Biodiversity Heritage Library.