
The Journal of Human Services Scholarship and Interprofessional Collaboration (JHSSIC) is a no-fee open-access peer-reviewed scholarly journal spanning professions and highlighting interprofessional practice. Interprofessional collaboration occurs when two or more individuals with distinct professional identities work together and is associated with increased quality of care and improved client outcomes. JHSSIC calls for research on helping professionals and practice from interdisciplinary professional communities comprising human services that contribute to comprehensive integrated care.

Recent Content


The Hidden Impact of Sociocultural Determinants in Adolescence
Lauren B. Robins, Nicholas Schmoyer, Atiya Smith, Krystal L. Clemons, and Jill Kivikoski


Addressing Weight in Primary Care: Perspectives of African American Young Adults with Serious Mental Illness
Sang Qin, Lindsay Sheehan, Janis Sayer, Kristin S. Williams, Julius Mercer, Ashley Scott, and Tevin Anderson