Reinventing an Affordable, Low Cost and Eco-Friendly Centrifuge

Description/Abstract/Artist Statement

A centrifuge must have enough centrifugal force and revolutions per min (RPM) to separate the various components in sample vials effectively. The accessibility to centrifuges in many third-world countries is scarce. Without this device, medical experts cannot separate and detect diseases found in the bloodstream. A low-cost and lightweight human-powered centrifuge was developed based on the mechanical fundamentals inspired by the whirligig. It demonstrated an enhanced separation of plasma in blood samples and has allowed for the proper diagnosis of diseases. This study aimed to create an improved version of the centrifuge that utilizes cost-efficient and environmentally safe materials while enhancing the separation of liquid samples. A framework matrix was utilized to determine the compilation that worked effectively for the separation of the liquids. Simulations were run using simulated blood composed of food coloring, water, and vegetable oil. The study revealed the simulated blood samples were separated efficiently using the cardboard centrifuge. Further research would include evaluating the separation of the blood components from actual blood samples.

Presenting Author Name/s

David Morgan Jr

Faculty Advisor/Mentor

Sheryise Williams, Stacie Ringleb

Faculty Advisor/Mentor Department

Trio McNair, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Access, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering

College Affiliation

College of Engineering & Technology (Batten)

Presentation Type



Biomechanical Engineering

Session Title

Poster Session


Learning Commons Lobby @ Perry Library

Start Date

3-30-2024 8:30 AM

End Date

3-30-2024 10:00 AM

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Mar 30th, 8:30 AM Mar 30th, 10:00 AM

Reinventing an Affordable, Low Cost and Eco-Friendly Centrifuge

Learning Commons Lobby @ Perry Library

A centrifuge must have enough centrifugal force and revolutions per min (RPM) to separate the various components in sample vials effectively. The accessibility to centrifuges in many third-world countries is scarce. Without this device, medical experts cannot separate and detect diseases found in the bloodstream. A low-cost and lightweight human-powered centrifuge was developed based on the mechanical fundamentals inspired by the whirligig. It demonstrated an enhanced separation of plasma in blood samples and has allowed for the proper diagnosis of diseases. This study aimed to create an improved version of the centrifuge that utilizes cost-efficient and environmentally safe materials while enhancing the separation of liquid samples. A framework matrix was utilized to determine the compilation that worked effectively for the separation of the liquids. Simulations were run using simulated blood composed of food coloring, water, and vegetable oil. The study revealed the simulated blood samples were separated efficiently using the cardboard centrifuge. Further research would include evaluating the separation of the blood components from actual blood samples.