
Instructions to Authors

Who Can Submit?

Anyone may submit an original article to be considered for publication in Virginia Journal of Science provided he or she owns the copyright to the work being submitted or is authorized by the copyright owner or owners to submit the article. Authors are the initial owners of the copyrights to their works (an exception in the non-academic world to this might exist if the authors have, as a condition of employment, agreed to transfer copyright to their employer). Submission of an article for peer review implies that the article has not been published elsewhere while under consideration by the Journal.

General Submission Rules

All manuscripts should be sent electronically to the Editor, using the “Submit Article” link. Submit manuscripts in electronic form as an MS Word file. Tables and figures should NOT be embedded within the body of the manuscript. Place tables and figures after the Literature Cited. Authors should submit names of three potential reviewers.

All manuscripts must be double-spaced. The title, author's name, affiliation, address and e-mail should be placed on a cover page. An abstract (not to exceed 200 words) summarizing the text, particularly the results and conclusions, is required. The text should follow the general format used by professional journals in the author's discipline. See the VJS STYLE MANUAL.

In-text references should follow the name-year format: (McCaffrey and Dueser 1990) or (Williams et al. 1990). In the Literature Cited section at the end of the article, each reference should include the full name of the author(s), year, title of article, title of journal (do not abbreviate), volume number and first and last page of the article. For a books, include author(s), year, title, pages or number of pages, publisher and city of publication. Examples:

  • McCaffrey, C. A. and R. D. Dueser. 1990. Plant associations of the Virginia barrier islands. Virginia Journal of Science 41:282-299.
  • Spry, A. 1969. Metamorphic Textures. Pergamon Press, New York. 350 pp.

Each figure and table should be mentioned specifically in the text. All tables, figures and figure legends should be on a separate page at the end of the text.

Multiple author papers are required to have a statement in the acknowledgments indicating the participation and contribution of each author.

After revision and prior to final acceptance of an article, the author will be required to furnish publication-quality files in TIFF or JPEG format of all figures. An error-free copy of the manuscript in acceptable format is also required.

If you have concerns about the submission terms for Virginia Journal of Science, please contact the editors.

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Formatting Requirements

Virginia Journal of Science requests that you follow the general submission rules for initial submission. The final version, however, must follow the VJS STYLE MANUAL and be submitted as a Microsoft Word file that can be converted to a PDF file.