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Journal of Raman Spectroscopy


Article in Press




In this study, an antiretroviral drug emtricitabine (also known as FTC or Emtriva) was detected and quantified down to 40 ng/ml by using surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS). Its aqueous standards were tested with two types of silver nanoparticles (colloidal and dendritic) using a specially developed aluminum well plate. The SERS spectra were acquired using a Raman scanning device with 30-mu m spatial resolution. The spectral data were analyzed using a new approach for the discrimination of the spatially acquired spectra based on the Quality index (Qi). After the Qi is calculated, the spectral data are sorted based on the Qi. This is followed by selecting only the spectra with a high Qi index and comparing the average of all the spatially acquired spectra. This results in an improvement in the spectral signal-to-noise and higher analytical sensitivity of the built calibration curves.


© 2024 The Authors.

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Data Availability

Article states: "Data presented in this article are available on request from the corresponding author."

Original Publication Citation

Hrncirova, J., Butler, M. R., Clark, M. R., Doncel, G. F., & Cooper, J. B. (2024). A new approach for discriminating spatially acquired SERS spectra using antiretroviral drug emtricitabine as a test sample. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy. Advance online publication.


0009-0009-8540-6870 (Hrncirova), 0009-0006-5828-8838 (Butler), 0000-0001-9167-9589 (Cooper)
