Theses and dissertations published by graduate students in the Department of Educational Leadership and Workforce Development, College of Education, Old Dominion University, since Fall 2016 are available in this collection. Backfiles of all dissertations (and some theses) have also been added.

In late Fall 2025, all theses will be digitized and available here. In the meantime, consult the Library Catalog to find older items in print.


Theses/Dissertations from 2010


Dissertation: College Student Adjustment and Health Behaviors, Lisa Anne Hall


Dissertation: Internationalization Efforts in United States Community Colleges: A Comparative Analysis of Urban, Suburban, and Rural Institutions, Natalie Jean Harder


Dissertation: Exploring Entrepreneurialism in Community Colleges in the Appalachian Region, Sharon Lynn Hatfield


Dissertation: Perceptions of Virginia Community College System Faculty and Administrators on the Purposes for and Composition of a Comprehensive Evaluation System for Teaching Faculty Members, William H. Hightower Jr.


Dissertation: Academic Engagement: The Impact of Personal, Cultural, and School Factors on African American Student Academic Effort, Ruth Alisha Jenkins Hill


Dissertation: Adjunct Faculty Organizational Sense of Belonging and Affective Organizational Commitment, Constance L. Merriman


Dissertation: Student Perceptions of Campus Safety Within the Virginia Community College System, Robert Chad Patton


Dissertation: The Utilization of a Computer Assisted Guidance System in Academic Advising, Charles Van Vleck Pfautz


Dissertation: Examining the Impact of Leadership Style and School Climate on Student Achievement, Tina Robinson


Dissertation: The Administration of Community College Blogs: Considering Control and Adaptability in Loosely Coupled Systems, Troy A. Swanson


Dissertation: Moderator Effect of Financial Aid on Predictors of Community College Graduation Rate, Richard Wilt


Dissertation: English Language Proficiency and Academic Achievement of International Students: A Meta-Analysis, Rachawan Wongtrirat


Dissertation: Female Ph.D. Completion: How Field of Study Moderates the Predictive Relationships Between Social and Academic Interactions With Faculty, Research Productivity and Degree Completion, Miki Yoshimura

Theses/Dissertations from 2009

Dissertation: Examining the Community and Two-Year Technical College Presidency: Vice President and Chief Officer Perceptions of Challenges, Changes, and Aspirations, Juliet Jefferson Brown


Dissertation: The Philanthropic Motivations of Community College Donors: A Study of the Educational Foundation of a Mid-Sized, Multi-Campus Community College in Virginia, Linnie Smith Carter


Dissertation: Changing Diversity in U.S. Schools: The Impact on Elementary Student Performance and Achievement, Jennifer Karyn Clayton


Dissertation: Leadership Development Programs in Two-Year Colleges: Critical Components, Delivery Methods, and the Role of Distance Learning Technology, Mary Clare DiGiacomo


Dissertation: A School Leadership Perspective on Cultural Competencies and Self-Regulation in a Government-Funded Preschool Setting, Anita B. James


Dissertation: Emerging Workforce Trends and Issues Impacting the Virginia Community College System, Mary Greer Landon


Dissertation: The Impact of Participation or Non-Participation in the Academic Excellence Commitment Area of the NCAA CHAMPS/Life Skills Program on the Academic Progress and Graduation Success Rates of Division I Football Teams, Melanie Miller


Dissertation: The Impact of On-Line Training on College Faculty Attitudes and Knowledge of Students with Disabilities, Wayne M. Pollock


Dissertation: Institutional Factors Supporting the Enrollment and Persistence of African-American Males in Virginia Community Colleges, Alfred A. Roberts


Dissertation: Exploration of Barriers and Solutions for Women in the Pathway to the High School Principalship, Tracy Shook Skinner


Dissertation: The Impact of Dual Enrollment Participation on Degree Attainment, Peggy Anne Westcott

Theses/Dissertations from 2008


Dissertation: School District Budgeting in the Era of Increased Accountability and No Child Left Behind: A Mixed Methods Case Study of School District Budgeting Processes and the Correlation to Student Achievement, Scott Alan Burckbuchler


Dissertation: The Relationship Between Rural Middle School Student Mathematics Achievement and Classroom Sense of Community, John E. Donlan


Dissertation: Perceptions of Second-Level Managers' Performance in Student affairs, Jennifer Kingsley


Dissertation: The Influence of Demographic Characteristics, Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Attributes on the Effectiveness of the LADDERS Probation Intervention Program, Terri M. Mathews


Dissertation: Effect of Outside Employment on Academic Success Among Full-Time Associate Degree Nursing Students, Julian A. Moore


Dissertation: The Non-Cognitive Attributes of First-Year At-Risk Students Who Are Academically Successful and Retained at Old Dominion University, Tisha M. Paredes


Dissertation: A Program Evaluation of Supplemental Instruction for Developmental Mathematics at a Community College in Virginia, Marilyn Lawson Peacock


Dissertation: The Relationship of Teacher Route to Certification to Student Outcomes on Statewide Social Studies Assessment, Aaron L. Smith


Dissertation: The Impact of Participation in a Virginia Community College Orientation Program Course on Student Engagement, Satisfaction, Academic achievement, and Retention, Wendy L. Tighe

Theses/Dissertations from 2007


Dissertation: The Influences of Interaction on the Satisfaction, Achievement, and Retention of Developmental Community College Students, Elizabeth Copeland Wilmer


Dissertation: Generational Differences Among Community College Students in Their Evaluation of Academic Cheating, Kathleen E. Wotring

Theses/Dissertations from 2006


Dissertation: Evaluating Work Keys Profiling as a Pre-Employment Assessment Tool to Increase Employee Retention, Ruth Zimmer Hendrick


Dissertation: Examining Retention and Academic Success Among Community College Developmental Algebra I Students, Patricia B. Huber


Dissertation: An Examination of Differences Between Occupational-Technical Student and Transfer Student Engagement at Small Community Colleges in Virginia, Janet T. Laughlin


Dissertation: Predictors of Persistence Among Community College Adult and Traditional-Aged Students, Kellie Crawford Sorey


Dissertation: Workforce Investment Act services: Effect on Dislocated Worker Reemployment, Martha A. Walker