All ODU theses and dissertations since Fall 2016 are available in this collection. Backfiles to 1976 of dissertations (and some theses) have also been added.
To browse dissertations and theses by academic department or program, please go to the Research by College, Department, Center page.
At some point, backfiles for all master's theses will be scanned and added. In the meantime, consult the library guide for "Dissertations & Theses" to find older items in print.
See the Graduate School site for information on submitting your ETD.
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Dissertation: The War on Drugs in the American States: Variations in Sentencing Policies Over Time, Katherine Anna Neill
Thesis: Human Torches: The Genesis of Self-Immolation in the Sociopolitical Context, Ryan Michael Nixon
Thesis: Generating Combinatorial Objects- A New Perspective, Alexander Chizoma Nwala
Dissertation: At the College Gates: A Phenomenological Study of STEM Identity Formation at a STEM Program at a Historical Black University, Maria O'Hearn
Dissertation: Enhancing Understanding of Discrete Event Simulation Models Through Analysis, Kara Ann Olson
Dissertation: Great Powers, the Persian Gulf, and Global Oil: A Comparative Analysis, Katerina Oskarsson
Dissertation: The Darfur Name Game: Use of Realpolitik by the United Nations in Decision-making and Intervention, Angela Overton
Thesis: Implications of Climate Change for Cyanobacteria Over the Western Florida Shelf in the Gulf of Mexico, Ivy Mara Ozmon
Dissertation: Assessing the Impact of Electronic Health Record Systems Implementation on Hospital Patient Perceptions of Care, Katherine Sofia Palacio Salgar
Dissertation: Resident Assistants' Self- Efficacy for Participation in Counseling Activities, Miranda Johnson Parries
Dissertation: Stuck in the Last Ice Age: Tracing the Role of Document Design in the Teaching Materials of Writing Courses, Erin Duffy Pastore
Dissertation: Democratic Counterinsurgents: How Democracies Can Prevail in Irregular Warfare, William Roland Patterson
Dissertation: The Influence of Affective Valence and Task Uncertainty on Visual Threat Detection and Automation Use, Rachel R. Phillips
Thesis: Synthesis of Nanolaminate Structures of Alternating Layers of Lead Telluride and Lead Selenide by Atomic Layer Deposition for Thermoelectric Applications, Arun Deepak Ramalingom Pillai
Dissertation: Ray- and Wave-Theoretic Approach to Electromagnetic Scattering from Radially Inhomogeneous Spheres and Cylinders, Michael A. Pohrivchak
Dissertation: The Effect of Online Reviews on Attitude and Purchase Intention: How Consumers Respond to Mixed Reviews, Chatdanai Pongpatipat
Thesis: Communication, Romantic Reconciliation, and Emerging Adulthood: A Relational Dialectics Study, Ashley M. Poole
Dissertation: Analyzing Cholera Dynamics in Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Environments, Drew Posny
Dissertation: Graphical Display of the Effect of Three Cash Flow Elements for Sensitivity Analysis, Kawintorn Pothanun
Dissertation: Self-Regulating Teamwork Behaviors in Low-Volume & High-Complexity Production, Aaron W. Powell
Dissertation: Improving Argumentation Through Goal Instructions in Asynchronous Online Discussions, Yekaterina Prudchenko
Dissertation: Workload Transitions and Stress: Changes Over Time, Erik G. Prytz
Dissertation: Numerical Study of Poration and Ionic Conduction in Nanopores Caused by High-Intensity, Nanosecond Pulses in Cell, Hao Qiu
Dissertation: High School Engineering/Technology Education Course Impact on Georgia Standardized Achievement Scores, Rodney N. Ragsdale
Thesis: Generation of Bipolar Nanosecond Pulses, Sambasiva Rao Rajulapati
Dissertation: An Investigation into the Analysis of Truncated Standard Normal Distributions Using Heuristic Techniques, John Walter Ralls
Dissertation: The Effects of a Tiered-Training Intervention on Teachers' Use of Behavior Specific Praise During the Reading Instruction of Elementary Students with Emotional Disabilities, Lauren Collins Reed
Dissertation: Feasibility of Mainstream Nitrite Oxidizing Bacteria Out-Selection and Anammox Polishing for Enhanced Nitrogen Removal, Pusker Raj Regmi
Dissertation: Microblogging as a Facilitator of Online Community in Graduate Education, Vincent Anthony Rhodes
Dissertation: The Effects of Cooperative Grouping Strategies and a Three-Level Evaluation Tool on Student Soft Skills Achievement and Satisfaction Within a Problem-Based Instructional Model in the Soft Sciences, Kelly Stoneman Rippard
Dissertation: Naval Aviation Squadron Risk Analysis Predictive Bayesian Network Modeling Using Maintenance Climate Assessment Survey Results, Harry Michael Robinson
Thesis: A Cross-National Analysis of the Impact of Conscription on Crime Rates, Nicolette G. Rose
Dissertation: Implementation of Analytical Fatigue Models Into Opensim to Predict the Effects of Fatigue on Anterior Cruciate Ligament Loading, Michael A. Samann
Dissertation: Phylogeny and Biogeography of the Family Haemulidae Based on a Multigene Approach, Millicent D. Sanciangco
Dissertation: Community College Vice Presidents' Perceptions of Academic Partnerships, Gloria Jean Savage-Early
Thesis: The Ethnobotany of Pistacia eurycarpa Yalt. in Iraqi-Kurdistan: Its Uses, Chemical Composition, and Anti-Biotic Activity of its Resin, Peter W. Schafran
Dissertation: Modeling Solutions for Prevention of Medicare Insolvency for the Baby Boomer Generation (Born 1946 - 1964), Gregory Thomas Scott
Dissertation: An Appreciative Look: Examining the Development of Urban Youths' Civic Identity In and Out of the Social Studies Classroom, Wendy Elaine Scott
Dissertation: Benthic and Planktonic Microalgal Community Structure and Primary Productivity in Lower Chesapeake Bay, Matthew Reginald Semcheski
Dissertation: Bivariate Doubly Inflated Poisson and Related Regression Models, Pooja Sengupta
Dissertation: Role Ambiguity of Counseling Supervisors, Aaron Gabriel Shames
Dissertation: Stormwater Infrastructure Optimization on Conjunctive Improvements, Mohammad Hussin Shar
Thesis: Environmental Context and Aggression: An Experimental Demonstration of the Role of Alcohol Expectancies, Brynn E. Sheehan
Dissertation: Scalable Reasoning for Knowledge Bases Subject to Changes, Hui Shi
Dissertation: Impact of the Post-9/11 G.I. Bill: An Examination of Retention of First Year Students in the Hampton Roads Area, Kim B. Sibson
Dissertation: Impact of Transformational Leadership on Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment and the Re-Enlistment Intention of Virginia Army National Guard Soldiers, Kervin Gregory Sider
Thesis: The Effects of Squat Depth on Lower Extremity Joint Kinetics, ACL Loading, PCL Loading, Tibiofemoral Compressive Forces and Activations of Eight Lower Extremity Muscles, Zachary A. Sievert
Dissertation: The Effects of Student Engagement on Retention: Comparing Male Undergraduate STEM Majors to Non-STEM Majors, Tourgee D. Simpson Jr.
Thesis: Effects of Vibrotactile Display Position and Shape on Extrapersonal Localization, Adam D. Sitz
Dissertation: Persistence of General Educational Development and Advanced Diploma Recipients at a Southeastern Public Community College, Ann Underwood Smith
Thesis: Set Adrift by the Confederacy: The Civil War Occupation of Virginia's Eastern Shore, Paige Kelly Solomon
Dissertation: From Viva La Revolutión-ish to the Free Space: Toward a Theory of Guerrilla Rhetoric, Cheri Lemieux Spiegel
Thesis: Study of Polyaniline for Use in an Organic Field Effect Transistor, Thomas Martin Sprinkle
Dissertation: High School Students' Perceptions of Career and Technical Education, Regina Lorraine Stafford
Dissertation: A Qualitative Exploration of First-Generation Student Experiences at a Large Diverse Research Institution, Donald Michael Stansberry
Thesis: Spatial and Temporal Variability in Net Community Metabolism in the Middle Atlantic Bight, Georges Bank, and Gulf of Maine: Observations of Net Heterotrophic Phases in the Highly Productive Coastal Zone, Cory James Staryk
Dissertation: Degree of Implementation of the American School Counselor Association National Model and School Counselor Burnout, Katrina Marie Steele
Dissertation: College Health and Mental Health Outcomes on Student Success, Daniel Joseph St. John
Thesis: An Exploratory Study of Generational Differences in Health Information Seeking and Smoking Behaviors in Bulgaria, Iva Stoyneva
Thesis: Gender Stereotypes in Leadership: How Threatening Are They?, Valerie N. Streets
Dissertation: Engineering Design: A Cognitive Process Approach, Greg Joseph Strimel
Dissertation: Analytic Evolution of Singular Distribution Amplitudes in QCD, Asli Tandogan
Dissertation: Supervisor Perceptions of Their Multicultural Training Needs for Working with English Language Learning Supervisees, Hsin-Ya Tang
Dissertation: Detection of OFDM Signals Using Pilot Tones and Applications to Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio Systems, Ahmed Temtam
Dissertation: A Mixed Methods Case Study of the Levels of Interactive Whiteboard Use by K-12 Teachers, Jo Ann Thomas
Dissertation: High Dimensional Data Set Analysis Using a Large-Scale Manifold Learning Approach, Loc Tran
Dissertation: The Effects of Serial Position, Evaluation Format, and Behavioral Isolate on Verbal and Nonverbal Clinical Cue Recognition and Performance Ratings, Timothy Robert Turner Jr.
Dissertation: Nuclear Security Complexes: An Alternative Approach to Nuclear Nonproliferation, Beyza Unal
Dissertation: Perspectives of International Students Performing Service-Learning in the United States: A Case study With Amizade, Suzanne Beth Unger
Dissertation: Three Essays on the Enterprise Strategy for Multinational Firms, Veselina Plamenova Vracheva
Dissertation: A Method to Define Requirements for System of Systems, Randy Gene Walker
Dissertation: Community College Students with Psychological Disorders and Their Perceptions of Online Learning, Gretchen Winifred Langford Warren
Thesis: Determination of the Ecological Condition of Benthic Communities Affected by Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in the Elizabeth River, Chesapeake Bay, USA, Adam M. Webb
Dissertation: The Antecedents and Effects of Strategic Caring: A Cross-National Empirical Study, Thomas Weber
Dissertation: A Façade of Normalcy: An Exploration into the Serial Murderer's Duplicitous Lifestyle, Maryann Stone White
Dissertation: The Effect of Self-Regulated Learning Strategy Training and Question Generation on Metacognitive Awareness and Achievement Among College Students Enrolled in Science Courses, Derrick L. Wilkins
Dissertation: Death on Display: Understanding the Publicized Eulogies of African American Cultural Figures as an Empowering Rhetorical Discourse, Melody Shelton Williams
Dissertation: Discovering Career Self-Efficacy Among Rural Community College Students, Tameka Mierelle Womack
Dissertation: Improving Structural Features Prediction in Protein Structure Modeling, Ashraf Yaseen
Dissertation: The Relationship Among HFACS Levels and Analysis of Human Factors in Unmanned and Manned Air Vehicles, Veysel Yesilbas
Thesis: Computational Analysis of Gene Expression and Connectivity Patterns in the Convoluted Structures of Mouse Cerebellum, Tao Zeng
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Dissertation: Novel Algorithms and Instrumentation for Vibrational Spectroscopic Methods of Analysis, Mohamed F. Abdelkader
Dissertation: Measurement of the Spin Structure Function GD1 of the Deuteron and Its Moments at Low Q2, Krishna P. Adhikari
Thesis: HTTP Mailbox - Asynchronous Restful Communication, Sawood Alam
Thesis: Probabilistic Modeling of Erroneous Human Response to In-Vehicle Route Guidance Systems: A Domain Decomposition-Based Algorithm, Abdullah Al Farooq
Thesis: Time Synchronization for OFDM Transmission with Applications to 4G Wimax Wireless Systems, Hamad Alhajri
Thesis: Parallel Implementations of the Frank-Wolfe Algorithms for the Traffic Assignment Problem, Shawn Eugene Allen
Dissertation: TDMA Slot Reservation in Cluster-Based VANETs, Mohammad Salem Almalag
Thesis: Novel Architecture of Costal Cartilage and Implications in Chest Wall Deformities, Anthony J. Asmar
Thesis: Fluorescent Technology Versus Visual and Tactile Examination in the Detection of Oral Lesion: A Pilot Study, Hadeel Mohammed Ayoub
Dissertation: Illiterate Women's Political Participation: A Case Study of Morocco's Soulaliyates, Melodee M. Baines
Thesis: Linear Programming Algorithm with Mixed Real-Integer Variables in MATLAB Environments, Gelareh Bakhtyar
Dissertation: The Relationship Between Living Arrangement, Academic Performance, and Engagement Among First-Year College Students, Denise Shata Balfour
Dissertation: Five for Life: Evaluating the Effect of an Activity-Based Fitness and Health Curricula Program on Physical Fitness, Physical Activity, Health-Related Knowledge, and Attitudinal Outcomes, Kimberly Grimes Baskette
Dissertation: Field Emission Studies Toward Improving the Performance of DC High Voltage Photoelectron Guns, Mahzad BastaniNejad
Dissertation: The Impact of Trainee Characteristics on Transfer of Training Over Time, Kristina N. Bauer
Thesis: Lifespan Communication, Social Media Policy, and Societal Institutions: A Content Analysis, Jessica LaRae Bedenbaugh
Dissertation: Three-Point Correlator and Pion Form Factor in Quantum Chromodynamics: Methods of Calculation for Two-Loop Spectral Density, Islam Bedir
Dissertation: Experiences of Resident Assistants with Potentially Suicidal Students: Identification, Referral, and Expectations, Katherine M. Bender
Thesis: From Fandom to Franchise: Generational Discourse Among Fans and Producers, Nicholas C. Benson