All ODU theses and dissertations since Fall 2016 are available in this collection. Backfiles to 1976 of dissertations (and some theses) have also been added.
To browse dissertations and theses by academic department or program, please go to the Research by College, Department, Center page.
At some point, backfiles for all master's theses will be scanned and added. In the meantime, consult the library guide for "Dissertations & Theses" to find older items in print.
See the Graduate School site for information on submitting your ETD.
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Dissertation: International Competition for Satellite-Based Navigation System Services, Robert F. Donnelly
Dissertation: The Effects of Combat Exposure on Post-Deployment Coping Deficits in OEF/OIF/OND Veterans, Alex Emerson Dryden
Dissertation: The Nature and Role of Physical Models in Enhancing Sixth Grade Students' Mental Models of Groundwater and Groundwater Processes, Debra Lynne Foster Duffy
Dissertation: The Impact of Teacher Licensure Programs on Minority Student Achievement, Rose S. Duke
Dissertation: Essays on Foreign Reverse Mergers and Bond ETF Mispricing, Charles William Duval
Thesis: Securing South Africa's Future Grandmothers Against Poverty and AIDS as a Model for Social Development Change, Savannah Lynn Eck
Dissertation: Intimate Partner Physical Violence Against Women in Saudi Arabian Primary Healthcare Clinics, Halah M. Eldoseri
Dissertation: FRIEND: A Cyber-Physical System for Traffic Flow Related Information Aggregation and Dissemination, Samy S. El-Tawab
Dissertation: The Effects of an Online Sleep Hygiene Intervention on Students' Sleep Quality, Giuliana Farias
Dissertation: An Examination of Factors Affecting Non-Urgent Use of Emergency Department Services by Patients with "Universal" Healthcare, Gregory Smith Feltenberger
Dissertation: Multi-Term Approximation to the Boltzmann Transport Equation for Electron Energy Distribution Functions in Nitrogen, Yue Feng
Thesis: Population Structure and Connectivity of an Important Pelagic Forage Fish in the Antarctic Ecosystem, Pleuragramma antarcticum in Relation to Large Scale Circulation, Jason W. Ferguson
Thesis: Policy-Making under Evo Morales: Explaining Ethnopopulist Redistributive Measures in Bolivia, Luis Ferreira
Thesis: Ecology of Tenodera Sinensis and Tenodera Angustipennis (Mantodea: Mantidae) in Eastern Virginia, Cory A. Gall
Thesis: The Forgotten Sixty-Ninth: The Sixty-Ninth New York National Guard Artillery Regiment in the American Civil War, Christopher M. Garcia
Dissertation: “This Intense Desire to Know the World”: Factors Influencing the Selection of Multicultural Children's Literature, Kasey L. Garrison
Dissertation: Towards Managing and Understanding the Risk of Underwater Terrorism, Richard J. Gay
Dissertation: An Analysis of Factors Affecting the Effective Use of Knowledge Management in Counter Improvised Explosive Device (C-IED) Operations, Umit Gencer
Thesis: A New Phase Speciation Leaching Procedure for the Determination of Metals in Oxic and Anoxic Sediments, Brandon R. Gipson
Thesis: The Factors Behind a Successful Implementation of Electronic Health Records Systems, Anjee Gorkhali
Thesis: Thresholds of Change in Decomposition Rate Along a Dune/Swale Transect on a Virginia Barrier Island, Dominic J. Graziani
Dissertation: The Influence of Interlimb Differences on Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury Risk Factors in Female Collegiate Soccer Athletes, Eric Kevin Greska
Dissertation: Alternative Therapy and Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes, Carmine R. Grieco
Dissertation: Textualizing the Nation: The Sociopolitical Negotiation of Atatürk's Nutuk, and Visions of National Identity in Contemporary Turkey, Elif Guler
Dissertation: Using the Counseling Center Assessment of Psychological Symptoms - 34 (CCAPS-34) to Predict Premature Termination in a College Counseling Sample, Sean B. Hall
Dissertation: Establishing Relationships Between Risk Management and Knowledge Transfer, Garrett S. Haltiwanger
Dissertation: The Development and Validation of the Preference for Adherence to Theoretical Orientation Scale, Tiffinee S. Hamilton
Dissertation: Factors Impacting Counselor Competency When Counseling Sexual Minority Intimate Partner Violence Victims, Ryan Hancock
Dissertation: Green Student Centers' Influence on the Campus Environment, Krista L. Harrell
Dissertation: Academic Predictors of Online Course Success in the Community College, Christy D. Hawkins
Dissertation: Do international Corruption Metrics Matter? Assessing the Impact of Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index, Omar Elemere Hawthorne
Dissertation: Adult Learner Graduation Rates at Four U.S. Community Colleges By Prior Learning Assessment Status and Method, Milan S. Hayward
Dissertation: The Use of Non-Cognitives and Learning Strategies as a Predictor for Completion of Developmental Mathematics at a Community College, Megan Healy
Dissertation: Spectroscopic Characterization of Dissolved Organic Matter: Insights into Composition, Photochemical Transformation and Carbon Cycling, John Robert Helms
Dissertation: Risk Quadruplet: Integrating Assessments of Threat, Vulnerability, Consequence, and Perception for Homeland Security and Homeland Defense, Kara Norman Hill
Dissertation: All Is Fair in War---Violent Conflict and the Securitization of Rape, Sabine Hirschauer
Dissertation: Optimization Framework for a Radio Frequency Gun Based Injector, Alicia S. Hofler
Dissertation: Partitioning Method for Emergent Behavior Systems Modeled by Agent-Based Simulations, O. Thomas Holland
Dissertation: Assessing Movement of Fish Through Spectral Analysis of Otolith Life History Scans, Renee Reilly Hoover
Thesis: Digital Poetry From a Cyborg Perspective, Daniel James Hosmer
Thesis: Fault Detection System for Solar Tracking Applications, Hareen Sekhar Illa
Thesis: Nonthermal Plasma Jet Efficacy on Candida Kefyr, Amber Marie Mattson Jackson
Dissertation: A Statistical Model to Determine Multiple Binding Sites of a Transcription Factor on DNA Using ChIP-seq Data, Rasika Jayatillake
Dissertation: Investigating the Roles of Time Perspective and Emerging Adulthood in Predicting Driving Behavior, Kristie L. Johnson
Dissertation: Treatment of Aortic Heart Valve Conduit with Glutamine and Heat Shock as a Means to Deter the Constituent Cellular Population From Becoming Apoptotic, Alyce Marie Linthurst Jones
Thesis: Clearing Paths for Emergency Vehicles Using Shock Wave Theory and Vehicle-To-Vehicle Communication, Craig Austin Jordan
Dissertation: Efficient Stand-Alone Generalized Inverse Algorithms and Software for Engineering/Sciences Applications: Research and Education, Subhash Chandra Bose S V Kadiam
Dissertation: An Exploration of the State-Trait Continuum in Counseling and Positive Psychology, Michael A. Keefer
Dissertation: Motivational and Persistence Factors for Military Spouses Earning a College Degree, Lisa A. Keenan
Dissertation: The Impact of State Fiscal Effort on Student Achievement Measured By Math Scores From the National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP), Lorena LeeAnn Kelly
Thesis: An Extensible Framework for Creating Personal Archives of Web Resources Requiring Authentication, Matthew Ryan Kelly
Thesis: Inattentional Blindness in a Simulated Driving Task, Kellie D'Hanis Kennedy
Thesis: The Effect of Depth Judgments on Mental Workload in Laparoscopy Measured by a Visual-Spatial Secondary Task, Rebecca A. Kennedy
Dissertation: A Discrete Event Simulation of Network Centric Operations: Modeling Unbalanced Combat Configurations in Symmetric Engagements, Mahmoud Turki Khasawneh
Dissertation: The Mediating Role of Emotion Regulation in the Relations of Between Somatization and Internalizing Disorders in Children, Priscilla A. Khuanghlawn
Thesis: Orientation-Invariant ECG-Based Virtual Pathology Stethoscope Tracking for Standardized Patient Heart Auscultation, Nahom B. Kidane
Thesis: Biaxial Bending and Lateral-Torsional Instability of Imperfect FRP I-Beams Including Effects of Retrofitting, Jodi Marie Knorowski
Dissertation: From Homeschool to the Community College: A Multiple Case Study, Benjamin G. Kramer
Dissertation: General Education Requirements in a Community College Baccalaureate RN-to-BSN Program, Jason Bentley Krupp
Dissertation: The Impact of Service-Learning on General Education Outcomes at a Community College in Virginia, Sonya Lisette Landas
Dissertation: Employment of Command and Control Systems Within the U.S. Marine Corps, Aaron B. Lang
Dissertation: Components Needed for the Design of a Sustainable Career and Technical Education Program, Vann Mizzelle Lassiter
Dissertation: Design of In Vivo Assays for Study of Transport, Biocompatibility and Toxicity of Nanoparticles, Kerry Jean Lee
Dissertation: Three Essays on Strategic Risk Taking, Krista Burrill Lewellyn
Thesis: Caffeinated Alcohol Use and Anxiety Symptoms Among College Students, Ashley N. Linden
Dissertation: An Efficient Boosted Classifier Tree-Based Feature Point Tracking System for Facial Expression Analysis, Adam Redd Livingston
Thesis: A Multi-Paradigm Modeling Framework for Modeling and Simulating Problem Situations, Christopher James Lynch
Thesis: Life History of Stranded Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops Truncatus) in Virginia, Margaret Cook Lynott
Dissertation: The Influence of Late Registration on Academic Outcomes and Retention at a Multi-Campus Community College, Kathy John Maalouf
Dissertation: The Socialization of Bullying Through Community College Nursing Education: A Multiple Case Study, Margaret M. O'Conner Machon
Dissertation: The Modified Coastal Storm Impulse Parameter, Sayed Gholamreza Mahmoudpour
Thesis: Modeling Leakage Currents in Metal Insulator Metal Structures with High K Materials, Priyamvada Maleeswaran
Dissertation: The Perceptions of Standardized Tests, Academic Self-Efficacy, and Academic Performance of African American Graduate Students: A Correlational and Comparative Analysis, Arleezah K. Marrah
Dissertation: Serious Game Design Principles: The Impact of Game Design on Learning Outcomes, Michael W. Martin
Thesis: A Mediated Model of Minority Stress and Binge Eating in Sexual Minority Women, Tyler Bruce Mason
Dissertation: The Impact of Sleepiness and Sleep Constructs on Driving Performance, Jennifer Freeman May
Dissertation: The Hindsight Bias: Judgment Task Differentiation, Ross May
Dissertation: The Association of Cognitive Function with Autonomic-Cardiovascular Reactivity to and Recovery From Stress, Sanjay Mehta
Thesis: Modeling, Identification, Validation and Control of a Hybrid Maglev Ball System, Ahmed Elhussein E. Mekky
Dissertation: Overcoming Barriers: How Community College Faculty Successfully Overcome Barriers to Participation in Distance Education, Matthew Meyer
Dissertation: Impact of Noise and Working Memory on Speech Processing in Adults With and Without ADHD, Anne M. P. Michalek
Dissertation: Institutional Variables, Collegial Relationships, and Occupational Satisfaction: Testing the Conceptual Framework of Faculty Job Satisfaction Among Counselor Educators, Rebecca E. Michel
Thesis: Health Nexus: A Serious Game Prototype for Prevention and Treatment of Obesity and Diabetes, Joseph C. Miller
Dissertation: A Comparison of Relaxation Techniques on Blood Pressure Reactivity and Recovery Assessing the Moderating Effect of Anger Coping Style, Catherine J. Mills
Thesis: Interregionalism as a Foreign Policy of the European Union: A Case for Soft Power?, Maxim Miroshnikov
Dissertation: Transition From High School to Associate Degree Nursing Education: A Qualitative Study, Kathy Jessee Mitchell
Dissertation: De-Centralized and Centralized Control for Realistic EMS Maglev Systems, Mohamed M. Aly M. Moawad
Thesis: Barriers to Capitalization in Engineering and Computer Science Undergraduates: Investigating the Moderating Effects of Individual Differences, Thivia Mogan
Dissertation: A Unified Enterprise-Wide Cost Modeling Framework for Engineering Applications Based on Systems Engineering Principles, Yousuf S. Mohammed
Thesis: The Effects of Acute Hypoxia on Marksmanship, Chelsea Mary Moore
Dissertation: Eukaryotic Microbes in the Deep Sea: Abundance, Diversity, and the Effect of Pressure, Danielle Morgan-Smith
Dissertation: The Relationship Between State Fiscal Effort and State Graduation Rates: A Longitudinal Study, Melissa Christine Morris
Thesis: Fecal Indicator Bacteria in Knitting Mill Creek with a Comparison of Methods Used to Enumerate E. Coli, Manju Nagarajan
Thesis: Subnanosecond Exposure Systems for Biological Studies, JongBong Nah
Dissertation: Modeling the Dispersion of Eastern Oyster Larvae (Crassostrea virginica) and its Effects on the Movement of Disease Resistant Genes in the Delaware Bay Estuary, Diego A. Narvaez
Dissertation: Two Essays on Executive Pay and Firm Performance, Thuong Quang Nguyen
Thesis: Configuration Studies of Electrostatic and Magnetostatic Active Space Radiation Shielding, Trac K. Nguyen
Thesis: Gravity Anomalies Along the East Scotia Ridge: Constraining the Relative Importance of Magmatic and Tectonic Controls on Crustal Accretion, Briton Lee Nicholson
Thesis: Synthesis of a Superlattice Structure of Alternating Layers of Antimony Telluride and Bismuth Telluride by Atomic Layer Deposition for Thermoelectric Applications, David Nminibapiel
Dissertation: Modeling Martian Planetary Entry Descent and Landing Using Monte Carlo Driven Response Surface Methodology, Narcrisha S. Norman