All ODU theses and dissertations since Fall 2016 are available in this collection. Backfiles to 1976 of dissertations (and some theses) have also been added.
To browse dissertations and theses by academic department or program, please go to the Research by College, Department, Center page.
At some point, backfiles for all master's theses will be scanned and added. In the meantime, consult the library guide for "Dissertations & Theses" to find older items in print.
See the Graduate School site for information on submitting your ETD.
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Dissertation: Effect of a Mindfulness Intervention on Community College Students' Writing Apprehension and Writing Performance, Megan E. Britt
Dissertation: Utilizing a Web-Based Career Development Workshop to Address Career Decision-Making Difficulty Among Community College Distance Learners, Johanna Michele Brown
Dissertation: Social Networking and Individual Performance: Examining Predictors of Participation, Michael Anthony Brown Sr.
Dissertation: Namaste: Pedagogical Methods for Designing Yoga & Art Experiences for/with Teen Participants, Tiffani Olivia Bryant
Dissertation: Faculty Compensation for Developing and Delivering Online Courses, Jeffrey Allen Burleson
Dissertation: Evaluation System Design and Academic Performance Analysis Using Clustering and Simulation, Volkan Cakir
Dissertation: Triple Coincidence Beam Spin Asymmetry Measurements in Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering, Mustafa Canan
Dissertation: Relations of Self-Criticism and Dependency to Depressive Symptomatology: Tests of Blatt's and Greenberg and Watson's Theories, David B. Canose
Dissertation: Pre-College Career Guidance and Persistence at a Small Private University in Tennessee, Raymond D. Carson
Thesis: Clinical Satisfaction Levels of National Athletic Trainers' Association Accredited Post-Professional Athletic Training Graduates, Nicole Catalano
Dissertation: Data Hiding in Digital Video, Abdullah Cay
Dissertation: Analysis of Attitude and Achievement Using the 5E Instructional Model in an Interactive Television Environment, Gamaliel R. Cherry
Dissertation: Attitudes of and Behaviors Towards Academic Integrity Between Community College Students Who Enroll in Online Courses Versus Traditional Courses, Kristine Marie Christensen
Thesis: Effects of Low Temperature Atmospheric Pressure Plasma on Tooth Whitening, Denise Michelle Claiborne
Thesis: Magnification Loupes in U.S. Entry-Level Dental Hygiene Programs, Leslie McHaney Congdon
Thesis: A Study of the Correlation of Sub-Aqueous Beach Profile Change and the Coastal Storm Impulse (COSI) Parameter, Kevin Bryan Conner
Thesis: You'll Never Walk Alone: The Scales of Identity of Celtic Football Club Supporters, Neil Conner
Thesis: A Pilot Model for Investigating Biodynamic Coupling Due to Aeroservoelastic Accelerations, Brandon Cowen
Dissertation: Collective Efficacy and Intimate Partner Violence: Community Context, Catherine B. Cowling
Dissertation: Perfectly Matched Layer Absorbing Boundary Conditions for the Discrete Velocity Boltzmann-BGK Equation, Elena Craig
Dissertation: The Role of Supervisor-Supervisee Cultural Differences, Supervisor Multicultural Competence, and the Supervisory Working Alliance in Supervision Outcomes: A Moderated Mediation Model, Stephanie A. Crockett
Dissertation: Treating Trauma Survivors with Neurofeedback: A Grounded Theory Study Based on the Practices of Experienced Mental Health Professionals, Christine L. Currie
Thesis: Domestic Violence as a Contributing Factor to Juvenile Substance Use, Victoria Felicitas Sophie Danz
Thesis: The Death of Jefferson Davis, Kasey J. Dell
Thesis: Emerging Adults' Perceptions of Normative Drinking Perceived Susceptibility to Different Types of Alcohol Consequences and Use of Protective Behavioral Strategies, Gabrielle Maria D'Lima
Dissertation: Testing of a Brief Internet Cyberbullying Prevention Program in College Students, Ashley Nicole Doane
Dissertation: A Wind Tunnel Technique for the Identification of Ship Airwake/Rotor Downwash Coupling, Stargel R. Doane
Dissertation: Spatially-Explicit Agent-Based Modeling of Ecosystem Change and Epizootiological Impacts on Caribbean Spiny Lobster, Panulirus argus, Thomas William Dolan III
Thesis: The Bound "Giddy Multitude": Runaway Indentured Servants Convicts and Slaves in Colonial Virginia, Nicole K. Dressler
Thesis: Do Different Styles of Self-Monitoring Yield Different Outcomes in Ego Depletion and Anxiety?, Katelyn Brittany Ealer
Dissertation: The Behavior and Choices of Serial Bidders in M&A Transactions: A Prospect Theory Approach, Ahmed Essam El-Din El-Bakry
Thesis: The Dynamics of Drug Trafficking/ Smuggling by Female Offenders in the Trinidad and Tobago Prison Service: An Exploratory Mixed-Methods Approach, Le 'Jeane' Iman Ellis
Dissertation: An Ex Post Facto Study of First-Year Student Orientation as an Indicator of Student Success at a Community College, Amanda Ellis-O'Quinn
Dissertation: Excitation-Induced Ge Quantum Dot Growth on Si(100)-2X1 by Pulsed Laser Deposition, Ali Oguz Er
Dissertation: Fusion of Visual and Thermal Images Using Genetic Algorithms, Sertan Erkanli
Dissertation: Ultrafast High-Energy Electron Diffraction Study of Photoexcited Bismuth Nanoclusters by Femtosecond Laser Pulses, Ahmed R. Esmail
Dissertation: Relationships Between Religious Orientation and Academic Attitudes, Lauren Everitt
Dissertation: Faculty and Student Perceptions of Students' Sense of Community in Online Courses, William C. Fiege
Dissertation: Kindergarten Teachers' Classroom Management Beliefs and Practices and Their Implications on Students' Social and Academic Outcomes, Lauren D. Florin
Thesis: A Penalty-Based Approach to Handling Cluster Sizing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Ryan Florin
Dissertation: A Method to Improve the Sustainment of Systems Based on Probability and Consequences, Michael Ashton Gaintner
Thesis: Modeling the Contagion Effect of Foreclosures Within the Real Estate Market by Use of Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation, Marshall William Gangel
Dissertation: Adding Executable Context to Executable Architectures: Enabling an Executable Context Simulation Framework (ECSF), Johnny J. Garcia
Thesis: Predictors of Pre-Dispositional Juvenile Detention: Race Gender and Intersectionality, Jennifer Lee Gebler
Dissertation: A Three Dimensional Green's Function Solution Technique for the Transport of Heavy Ions in Laboratory and Space, Candice Rockell Gerstner
Thesis: The Ecology of the Timber Rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus) in Southeastern Virginia, Scott M. Goetz
Dissertation: Learning Local Features Using Boosted Trees for Face Recognition, Rajkiran Gottumukkal
Dissertation: Choosing to Serve: Modeling Antecedents of Public Service Motivation in Undergraduate Students, Vivian Walker Greentree
Thesis: A Methodology to Repair or Deorbit LEO Satellite Constellations, Goksel Gurgenburan
Thesis: Decontextualizing Development: A Critical Examination of American Popular Discourse on Foreign Aid, Jeffrey Haines
Thesis: Balloon Borne Mars Research Platforms, Sean Michael Hancock
Dissertation: Evidence-Based Practice in Clinical Athletic Training Education, Dorice A. Hankemeier
Dissertation: A Principal's Perceptions of Character Education in a Rural Public School, Sandra H. Harrison
Dissertation: Understanding Fourth Graders' Decline in Reading Motivation from Students' and Teachers' Perspectives, Christine A. Hebert
Thesis: Richmond Iron: Tredegar's Role in Southern Industry During the Civil War and Reconstruction, Lisa Hilleary
Dissertation: The Effects of Expressive Writing on Anxiety, Mathematics Anxiety, Stress, Cognitive Processes and Psychological Processes on the Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL) on a Sample of Urban High School Students Failing Mathematics, Claudia Lorene Hines
Dissertation: Epistemic Strategies for Solving Two-Dimensional Physics Problems, Mary Elyse Hing-Hickman
Dissertation: A Study of Two Generations of Culturally Diverse Community College Students Views on Leader Attributes in Self and Others, Paula Jeanine Hodkowski
Thesis: Architecture for a Flexible and Scalable Simulation Engine, Robert C. Holcomb Jr.
Dissertation: Elementary Teachers' Views of Environmental Education, Rose M. Hotchkiss
Dissertation: Adoption of Electronic Health Records by Admitting Physicians: A Heuristic Model, John Sharon Hudson
Dissertation: Social Trust in Contemporary Rural China: Its Sources and Impacts on Public Goods Provision, Narisong Huhe
Dissertation: Data Aggregation and Dissemination in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks, Khaled Ibrahim
Thesis: Meaning of Hijab According to Urban Egyptian and Yemeni Muslim Women, Kenneth E. Jackson
Dissertation: The Relationship of Cognitive Development Level, Supervision, and Counselor Skills in Preparing Counselors, Margaret Jean Jensen
Dissertation: A Variable Acceleration Calibration System, Thomas H. Johnson
Dissertation: Spectrum Adaptation in Cognitive Radio Systems with Operating Constraints, Deepak R. Joshi
Thesis: The Effect of an Offshore Wind Turbine Array on Circulation in an Idealized Coastal Ocean, Mahmoud Kamel
Thesis: A Study of Diversity Techniques for LTE Wireless Systems, Ferhat Kaplan
Dissertation: Optimization Models and Approximate Algorithms for the Aerial Refueling Scheduling and Rescheduling Problems, Sezgin Kaplan
Dissertation: Characterizations of Atmospheric Pressure Low Temperature Plasma Jets and Their Applications, Erdinc Karakas
Thesis: Factors of Paternal Involvement and Their Association with Developmental Outcomes of Nine-Month Olds, Heather A. Keefe
Thesis: Stigmatization as a Barrier to Help-Seeking Among Individuals Who Engage in Non-Suicidal Self-Injury, Tatyana Kholodkov
Thesis: Stigmatization as a Barrier to Help-Seeking Among Individuals Who Engage in Non-Suicidal Self-Injury, Tatyana Kholodkov
Dissertation: A Cultural Approach to Understanding Professional Experiences of Foreign-Born Faculty in U.S. Educational Leadership Preparation Programs, Iryna M. Khrabrova
Dissertation: Statistical Optimizations of Muscle Action Potentials Based on Modeling and Analysis of Ion Channel Dynamics, GyuTae Kim
Thesis: Writing Program Design for ESL Writers, Kacie M. Kiser
Dissertation: Using the Web Infrastructure for Real Time Recovery of Missing Web Pages, Martin Klein
Thesis: Examination Timetabling with Mathematical Programming An Application in Turkish Air Force Academy, Emrah Koksalmis
Dissertation: The Association Between Different Clinical Methods for Evaluating Lower Extremity Muscular Function, Roger Olen Kollock Jr.
Dissertation: Two Essays on the Effect of Macroeconomic News on the Stock Market, Ajay Kongera
Dissertation: Design of Multi Agent Based Crowd Injury Model, Emin Kugu
Dissertation: Modeling and Analysis of Repeated Ordinal Data Using Copula Based Likelihoods and Estimating Equation Methods, Raghavendra Rao Kurada
Thesis: Wrongful Convictions and Punitiveness: Measuring Student's Attitudes on Erroneous Felony Convictions, Shayna Lancaster
Thesis: Improving the Efficiency of Organic Solar Cells by Varying the Material Concentration in the Photoactive Layer, Kevin Anthony Latimer
Thesis: Improving the Efficiency of Organic Solar Cells by Varying the Material Concentration in the Photoactive Layer, Kevin Anthony Latimer
Dissertation: Predicting Student Success in Passing the Exit Exam for Writing Proficiency, Cheryl Ann Latko
Dissertation: Attitudes of Counselors Regarding Ethical Situations Encountered by In-Home Counselors, Justin Douglas Lauka
Thesis: A Google Earth-Based Framework for Visualization of the Chesapeake Bay Operational Forecast System, Gary Lawson
Thesis: Contextual Cueing Effects in Visual Threat Detection, Molly M. Liechty
Dissertation: Age-Related Hamster Mitochondrial Changes and Oocyte Changes Following Autologous Platelet Mitochondrial Microinjection, Fang Li
Dissertation: Bioinformatics, Thermodynamics and Kinetics Analysis of an All Alpha Helical Protein with a Gree-Key Topology, Hai Li
Thesis: Insights into Chemical Structure Changes of Kerogen from Bituminous Coal in Response to Dike Intrusions Investigated by Advanced Solid-State 13C NMR, Yuan Li
Dissertation: Community of Inquiry Framework and Learning Outcomes, Jennifer Ann Maddrell
Dissertation: Intercultural Accommodation of Ethnic Minority Consumers: An Empirical Examination of the Moderating Effects in Service Encounters, Sarah Mady
Dissertation: The Nature, Origin and Preservation of Amide Organic Nitrogen in Organic Matter, Georgina Anne McKee
Dissertation: The Effects of Rumination, Hostility, and Distraction on Cardiovascular Reactivity and Recovery From Anger Recall in Healthy Women, Meghan K. McLain
Dissertation: Technology Independent Synthesis of CMOS Operational Amplifiers, Praveen Koushik Meduri
Thesis: Electronic Warfare by Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Aydin Meric
Dissertation: Stability and Change in Goal Orientation and Their Relationship with Performance: Testing Density Distributions Using Latent Trait-State Models, Michael Charles Mihalecz