Date of Award

Spring 2008

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Education (MSEd)


Human Movement Sciences


Athletic Training

Committee Director

Bonnie Van Lunen

Committee Member

James Onate

Committee Member

Stacy Walker

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.E44 M23 2008


The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of either a dynamic or static stretching protocol on range of motion during hip flexion, hip extension, and hip abduction, knee flexion and extension, and ankle dorsiflexion over time. Forty eight physically active participants, 18 males and 30 females (age=21.77±2.77 years, height=l66.60±1 l.70 cm, mass=75.08±16.99 kg) with no history of injury within the last month to the lower extremity, no previous surgery in the lower extremity in the past six months, and a previous experience with both types of stretching protocols volunteered for the study. Each subject performed both stretching protocols over a three week period on two separate days. A universal goniometer was used to measure hip, knee, and ankle range of motion before stretching, immediately after, and twenty minutes after completing each stretching protocol. Range of motion measures were collected by the lead examiner and all of the protocols were conducted by a second examiner. Six separate 3X2 repeated measures ANOV As were used to analyze mean differences in range of motion over time for each motion. The range of motion at the immediate post stretch time significantly decreased for hip flexion and knee extension; however, a significant increase in knee extension range of motion occurred twenty minutes after stretching. There was a significant increase in the mean range of motion for ankle dorsiflexion from the pre stretch measure to the immediately post stretch and twenty minutes post stretch time. There also was a significant increase in the mean range of motion for knee flexion and knee extension immediately post stretch, but only knee extension range of motion and knee extension immediately post stretch, but only knee extension range of motion was significantly different from the immediate post stretch measure to the twenty minutes post stretch measure. Findings suggest that an acute bout of either static or dynamic stretching is effective for increasing knee extension and ankle dorsiflexion motions but the change in range of motion tends to diminish after twenty minutes of rest. Both protocols caused a significant immediate decrease in hip flexion range of motion, and no other significant differences were observed. Further research is needed to examine the long term effects of each type of stretching, the subsequent effect on lower extremity injuries, and the effects of each type of stretching on intramuscular temperature.


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