Instructional Message Design, Volume 1

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Publication Title

Instructional Message Design: Theory, Research, and Practice (Vol. 1)


20 pp.


“There is also widespread agreement that a major priority is the reform of schools and other academic venues so that students from diverse, racial, ethnic, and social class groups can achieve equality.” (Roblyer, Dozier-Henry, & Burnette, 1996).

Culture is a major determinant in modern instructional design and instructional message design for a global community of learners. Instructional designers of web-based information for world-wide and cross-culture learners are tasked with developing effective, culture-sensitive, innovative, and useful instructional tools. “Multicultural teaching must entail reaching students by connecting with their cultural, ethnic, linguistic, social, and other affiliations” (Capuk & Kara, 2015). The tenets of learner needs analysis and instructional message design can be used to enhance learning for our culturally and ethnically diverse future learners. This chapter will examine the various challenges instructional designers are facing based on the changing demographics in America and world-wide, as well as the impact of globalized exchange of information through electronic media. The examination incudes considerations for the growing diversity of K-12 as well as the internationalization of higher education in both face to face and online learning environments.


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