About This Journal | The Journal of Human Services Scholarship and Interprofessional Collaboration | Old Dominion University

About This Journal

Interprofessional Collaboration and Integrated Behavioral Health are the future of the helping fields and contribute to improved client outcomes:

“The care that results from a practice team of primary care and behavioral health clinicians, working together with patients and families, using a systematic and cost-effective approach to provide patient-centered care for a defined population." Academy for Integrating Behavioral Health in Primary Care

Interprofessional Helping Fields include:

human services, psychology, social work, counseling, education, criminal justice, medicine and nursing, speech language pathology, public safety, recreation, and associated fields.

We are:

  • double-blind peer-reviewed,
  • no-fee,
  • platinum open access,
  • interdisciplinary,
  • advocates for interprofessional collaboration and integrated behavioral health (IBH),
  • and mentors to all scholars.

    Mentorship and collaboration are at the heart of the workings of JHSSIC. No editor or reviewer will ever work in isolation or without support. Associate Editors mentor Assistant Editors, who assist the Associate with writing decision letters. Editors mentor Reviewers who may meet with an Editor before, during, or after completing an evaluation. Authors are mentored by Reviewers and Editors, and feedback will be constructive and kind. Follow up questions or discussions are always welcome. We hope this model will nurture personal and professional growth of every individual contributing to the Journal; empower burgeoning authors, reviewers, and editors to pursue their aspirations; and reduce disheartening academic communication.